SLVK086A january   2022  – may 2023 TPS7H4003-SEP


  1.   1
  2.   Single-Event Effects Test Report of the TPS7H4003-SEP Synchronous Step-Down Converter
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Introduction
  5. Single-Event Effects (SEE)
  6. Device and Test Board Information
  7. Irradiation Facility and Setup
  8. Depth, Range, and LETEFF Calculation
  9. Test Setup and Procedures
  10. Destructive Single-Event Effects (DSEE)
    1. 7.1 Single-Event Latch-up (SEL) Results
    2. 7.2 Single-Event Burnout (SEB) and Single-Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) Results
  11. Single-Event Transients (SET)
  12. Event Rate Calculations
  13. 10Summary
  14.   A Appendix: Total Ionizing Dose From SEE Experiments
  15.   B Appendix: References
  16.   C Revision History

Single-Event Burnout (SEB) and Single-Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) Results

During the SEB/SEGR characterization, the device was tested at room temperature ≈25°C. The die temperature was monitored during the testing using a T-Type thermocouple attached to the thermal pad vias (on the bottom side of the EVM) with thermal paste. The thermocouple was hold on place by using high temperature tape (kapton-tape). Die-to-thermocouple temperature was verified using a IR-camera.

The species used for the SEB/SEGR testing was a Silver (109Ag) ion with an angle-of-incidence of 0° for an LETEFF = 48.2 MeV·cm2/mg (for more details refer to Section 5). The kinetic energy in the vacuum for this ion is 1.634 GeV (15-MeV/amu line). Flux of approximately 105 ions/cm2·s and a fluence of approximately 107 ions/cm2 were used for the six runs. Run duration to achieve this fluence was approximately 2 minutes. The three devices were powered up using the recommended maximum voltage of 7 V and the maximum load of 18 A. The TPS7H4003-SEP was tested under enabled and disabled modes, the device was disabled by using the TP2 and forcing EN to 5 V or 0 V, respectively, through channel one of an E36311A power supply. The Chroma Load was connected, even when the device was disabled, to help differentiate if a SET momentarily activated the device under the heavy-ion irradiation. During SEB/SEGR testing with the device disabled, no VOUT transient or input current events were observed. No SEB/SEGR events were observed during all six runs, indicating that the TPS7H4003-SEP is SEB/SEGR-free up to LETEFF = 48.7MeV·cm2/mg and across the full electrical specifications.Table 8-3 shows the SEB/SEGR test conditions and results. Figure 7-2 shows a plot of the current vs time for run # 6 (Enabled) and Figure 7-3 for run # 7 (Disabled).

Table 7-2 Summary of TPS7H4003-SEP SEB/SEGR Test Condition and Results
(# ions)


1109Ag48.21.17 × 1051 × 1077Enabled



109Ag48.21.15 × 1059.98 × 106





109Ag48.21.07 × 1041 × 107





109Ag48.21.07 × 1051 × 107





109Ag48.21.16 × 1051 × 107





109Ag48.21.45 × 1059.97 × 106



Using the MFTF method described in Single-Event Effects (SEE) Confidence Interval Calculations application report and combining (or summing) the fluences of the six runs @ 25°C (6.00 × 107), the upper-bound cross-section (using a 95% confidence level) is calculated as:

σSEL ≤ 6.15 × 10–8 cm2/device for LETEFF = 48.2 MeV·cm2/mg and T = 25°C.

GUID-20211207-SS0I-FBBC-JL8N-6B5ZF35TN0KZ-low.pngFigure 7-2 Current vs Time for Run # 6 (Enabled) for the TPS7H4003-SEP at T = 25°C
GUID-20211207-SS0I-VJVJ-KT5G-M0RTPCKFVH8V-low.pngFigure 7-3 Current vs Time for Run # 7 (Disabled) for the TPS7H4003-SEP at T = 25°C

During the SEB On runs, there were recorded transients on VOUT that were not seen during SET testing (i.e. Only at "worst case" VIN voltages of 7-V). The following histograms and transient plot show the VOUT transient information seen only during destructive testing.

GUID-20211207-SS0I-3FZS-B5VS-FDH5XZTSZ1W7-low.pngFigure 7-4 Histogram of the Transient Time for VOUT SETs on Run # 6
GUID-20211207-SS0I-B7N3-4NSG-CZJZBJGVNRF3-low.pngFigure 7-5 Histogram of the Normalized Amplitude for the Positive and Negative VOUT SETs on Run # 6
GUID-20211207-SS0I-JXX6-SHQP-3XX02XKMX9MT-low.pngFigure 7-6 Worst Case Positive and Negative Polarity VOUTSET for Run # 6