SLVSB64I November 2011 – March 2018 TPS65217
This feature decreases the voltage undershoots and overshoots at load steps from light to heavy load and from heavy to light load. This feature is active in power-save mode and provides more headroom for both the voltage drop at a load step and the voltage increase at a load removal. This improves load-transient behavior. At light loads in which the converter operates in PFM mode, the output voltage is regulated typically 1% greater than the nominal value (VOUT). In case of a load transient from light load to heavy load, the output voltage drops until it reaches the low threshold of the PFM comparator set to –1% less than the nominal value, and goes to PWM mode. During a load removal from heavy load to light load, the voltage overshoot is low because of active regulation turning on the low-side MOSFET.