SLVSDC2C February 2016 – August 2021 TPS65981
The C_CC1 and C_CC2 pins are used to deliver power to active circuitry inside a connected cable and output USB-PD data to the cable and connected device. Figure 9-11 shows the C_CC1, and C_CC2 outputs to the port. Only one of these pins will be used to deliver power at a time depending on the cable orientation. The other pin will be used to transmit USB-PD data through the cable to a connected device.
Figure 9-28 shows a high-level flow of connecting these pins based on the cable orientation. See the Section 9.3.2 section for more detailed information on plug and orientation detection.
Figure 9-29 and Figure 9-30 show the two paths from PP_CABLE to the C_CCn pins. When one C_CCn pin is powered from PP_CABLE, the other is connected to the USB-PD BMC modem. The red line shows the power path and the green line shows the data path.