SLVUBB4B November   2017  – February 2023


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. Topologies Window
  4. FET Losses Calculator
  5. Load Step Calculator
  6. Capacitor Current Sharing Calculator
  7. AC/DC Bulk Capacitor Calculator
  8. RCD-Snubber Calculator for Flyback Converters
  9. RC-Snubber Calculator
  10. Output Voltage Resistor Divider
  11. Dynamic Analog Output Voltage Scaling
  12. 10Dynamic Digital Output Voltage Scaling
  13. 11Unit Converter
  14. 12Loop Calculator
    1. 12.1 Inputs
    2. 12.2 Transfer Functions
      1. 12.2.1  Output Impedance Transfer Function
      2. 12.2.2  Transfer Function VMC Buck Power Stage
      3. 12.2.3  Transfer Function CMC Buck Power Stage
      4. 12.2.4  Transfer Function CMC Boost Power Stage
      5. 12.2.5  Transfer Function CMC Inverting Buck-Boost Power Stage
      6. 12.2.6  Transfer Function CMC Forward Power Stage
      7. 12.2.7  Transfer Function CMC Flyback Power Stage
      8. 12.2.8  Transfer Function Closed Loop
        1. Transfer Function Type II Compensation Network
        2. Transfer Function Type II Transconductance Compensation Network
        3. Transfer Function Type III Compensation Network
      9. 12.2.9  Transfer Function Isolated Type II Compensation Network With a Zener Clamp
      10. 12.2.10 Transfer Function Isolated Type II Compensation Network Without a Zener Clamp
  15. 13Filter Designer
    1. 13.1 Impedances
    2. 13.2 Transfer Functions
    3. 13.3 Filter Output Impedance
    4. 13.4 Damping Factor
  16. 14Additional Information
  17. 15Revision History

Transfer Function CMC Forward Power Stage

For interleaved topologies like Push-Pull, Half-Bridge, or Full-Bridge, twice as much FET switching frequency must be used for calculations because the output inductor "sees" twice the FET switching frequency.

Equation 59. v ^ o u t v ^ c = K m × Z o u t × N s N p Z L + Z o u t + K m × R i × N s N p

Duty cycle:

Equation 60. D=Vout×NpNsVin


Equation 61. K m = 1 0.5 - D × R s × A s × 1 f s w × L + V s l o p e V i n

Sampling Gain Pole:

Equation 62. ω L = π × f s w i t c h
Equation 63. R i = A s × R s
Equation 64. A s = 1 N '

N' is the turns ratio between auxiliary and primary winding.

Equation 65. H s = 1 + s Q L × ω L + s 2 ω L 2

With Vslope:

Equation 66. se=Vslope×fswitch

With SLM:

Equation 67. QL=1π×1+sesn×1-D-0.5