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TI's LM74800 Evaluation Module LM74800EVM-CS helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of the LM74800-Q1 ideal diode controller with switched output.The LM7480x-Q1 ideal diode controller drives and controls external back-to-back N-Channel MOSFETs to emulate an ideal diode rectifier with power path ON/OFF control and overvoltage protection. This evaluation module demonstrates how LM74800-Q1 along with two back-to-back N-Channel MOSFETs configured in common-source topology can provide 200-V unsuppressed load dump protection with reverse battery protection to the downstream circuit. The first gate drive HGATE controls an external N-channel MOSFET to turn off or clamp output voltage to acceptable safe level and the second gate drive DGATE controls another external N-Channel MOSFET to emulate an ideal diode.