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Figure 1-1 highlights the user interface items associated with the EVM. The VIN Power terminal block (J1) is used for connection to the host input supply and the VOUT Power terminal block (J4) is used for connection to the load. These terminal blocks accept up to 16-AWG wire.
Use the VIN S+ and VIN S- test points along with the VOUT S+ and VOUT S- test points located near the power terminal blocks as voltage monitoring points where voltmeters can be connected to measure VIN and VOUT. Do not use these S+ and S- monitoring test points as the input supply or output load connection points. The PCB traces connecting to these test points are not designed to support high currents.
Use the VIN scope (J2) and VOUT scope (J3) test points to monitor VIN and VOUT waveforms with an oscilloscope. These test points are intended to use un-hooded scope probes outfitted with a low inductance ground lead (ground spring) mounted to the scope probe barrel. The two sockets of each test point are on 0.1-in centers. Connect the scope probe tip to the top socket labeled "+" and connect the scope ground lead to the bottom socket.
The VOUT SELECT jumper (J6) is provided to select the desired output voltage: 2.5 V, 3.3 V, 5.0 V, 7.5 V, or 12 V. Before applying power to the EVM, make sure that the jumper is present and properly positioned for the intended output voltage. Always remove input power before changing the jumper settings.
The FSW SELECT jumper (J7) is provided to select the desired switching frequency: 500 kHz, 750 kHz, 1.0 MHz, 1.5 MHz, or 2.0 MHz. Before applying power to the EVM, make sure that the jumper is present and properly positioned for the intended switching frequency. Always remove input power before changing the jumper settings.