Set the power supply current limit to 10 A. Set the power supply
to approximately 12 V. Turn off the power supply. Connect
the positive output of the power supply to J1 and the
negative output to J2.
Connect the load to J3 for the positive connection and connect
the load J4 for the negative connection.
Turn on the power supply.
Set the JP1 jumper across EN and ON. Enable the IC with the GUI.
The default output voltage is 5 V.
Set the output voltage to the target value on the GUI user
interface page.
Slowly increase
the load while monitoring the output voltage between J3 and
J4. The output voltage must remain in regulation when the
load current is lower than 5 A.
Slowly sweep the input voltage from 5 V to 20 V. The output
voltage must remain in regulation when the load current is
lower than the maximum load current specified in Table 2-1.
Turn off the load and power supply. Then, turn on the load to
discharge the output capacitors.