SLVUCF5A March 2022 – August 2022 DRV8329
The GUI offers the following features:
Output Enable – Global enable flag to run the motor at the selected duty cycle.
Potentiometer Enable – Enables potentiometer R90 to control the duty cycle of the motor. Duty cycle is updated in the Duty Cycle slider in real time. Turn all the way clockwise for 0% duty cycle, all the way counterclockwise for 100% duty cycle.
Direction – Sets direction of the motor. When enabled, motor spins counterclockwise. When disabled, motor spins clockwise. When the direction is changed, the motor will coast to a stop, wait 1 second, then accelerate to the duty cycle in the opposite direction.
nSLEEP – Places the DRV8329 in a low-power sleep mode. nSLEEP toggle switch only works when resistor R26 is populated and resistor R75 is DNP.
DRVOFF – Disables all gate drivers in Hi-Z state.
PWM Frequency – Sets the PWM switching frequency of the motor in Hz.
MCU Dead Time – Sets the MCU deadband time for the PWM inputs in nanoseconds.
Duty Cycle – Sets the duty cycle of the motor when potentiometer is disabled.
Acceleration Delay – Sets the acceleration and deceleration ramp rate in ms per 1% duty cycle.
Stop Motor – Stops the motor when toggled according to the braking method in the drop-down menu. The two methods are brake (turn on all low-side MOSFETs) and coast (float all MOSFETs).
Over-current Limit – Sets the overcurrent limit in amps. If ISEN is measured to be over the overcurrent limit, Over-Current fault is triggered.
Current Sense Resistor – Sets the resistor value in ohms for the shunt resistor onboard the EVM. Default resistor populated is 0.001 ohm.
CSA Gain – Gain of the integrated CSA on the EVM. Set the CSA gain setting to match the CSAGAIN setting on J2 of the EVM so the firmware can calculate the ISEN current correctly.
Fault Status – Logical “or” of all faults. When a fault occurs, Output Enable is turned off, Duty Cycle is set to 0%, and the corresponding fault status LED is lit.
PVDD Overvoltage Fault – PVDD is over 60 V. Configurable through firmware.
PVDD Undervoltage Fault – PVDD is under 4.5 V. Configurable through firmware.
Over-Current – Measured LSS current is over the Over-Current threshold.
DRV8329 Fault – Fault indicated by the DRV8329. See DRV8329 datasheet.