If the EVM on-board MCU is showing up under the Device Manager with a Stellaris... title, the MCU firmware needs to be updated to communicate with the GUI. One way to do this is with TI's free LM Flash Programmer tool. Once the firmware is updated, the MCU is shown as ACCtrl... COM ports in the Device Manager.
- Download the GUI source files from the Gallery. The EVM firmware is the .bin file located in the install_image_TPS6503xx-Q1_GUI/TPS6503xx-Q1_GUI/app/firmware folder.
- Open LM Flash Programmer with the EVM connected through USB.
- Select USB DFU in the Configuration tab. The Stellaris device is shown in the device list box after refreshing.
- Select the Program tab.
- Browse to the .bin file downloaded from the GUI.
- Leave all other settings as default.
- Click Program.