SLVUCN2A October   2023  – August 2024 DRV3901-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Hardware Overview
    1. 2.1 Connectors and Configuration Headers
    2. 2.2 Signal Test Points
    3. 2.3 LED Indicators
  6. 3EVM GUI Control Application
    1. 3.1 MSP430 FET Drivers
    2. 3.2 Cloud-based GUI
    3. 3.3 Local Installation
  7. 4EVM GUI Operation
    1. 4.1 Hardware Set-up
    2. 4.2 Launching the DRV3901-Q1EVM GUI Application
  8. 5GUI Overview
    1. 5.1 Programming the EVM
    2. 5.2 Saving and Loading Register Configurations
    3. 5.3 Scripting Window
  9. 6Pyro Fuse SPI Modes
    1. 6.1 Stand-alone SPI
    2. 6.2 Addressable SPI
  10. 7Revision History

Launching the DRV3901-Q1EVM GUI Application

The instructions below apply to both the desktop and web versions of the GUI. These instructions assume that the hardware setup steps in the previous section are already completed.

  1. Launch the GUI application.
  2. From the screen reference in Figure 4-1,click on the icon to the right labeled "DRV3901-Q1EVM".
    DRV3901-Q1 GUI Startup
                            Page Figure 4-1 GUI Startup Page
  3. After clicking the icon, the GUI application will initiate communications with the EVM. Connection confirmation will be displayed as shown below in Figure 4-2. The EVM should now be connected. The GUI_STATUS LED (D11) should now be blinking to confirm that there is a successful GUI connection. Please do not proceed to use the GUI app is the D11 is not blinking.
    DRV3901-Q1 GUI Connected
                            Page Figure 4-2 GUI Connected Page
  4. At this point, the user may set-up the EVM for device evaluation:
    • Register Map page for read/write access of register bit fields.
    • Control page with configuration and diagnostic options.
    • GUI Home page