Click on the first driver
download link, |
Windows Installer.
Please log in with myTI
credentials when prompted and provide the requested information. The
approval to access the download is automatic and immediate as long as
the U.S. Government export approval requirements are complied with.
Click on the download
button to download the installer to your PC.
Double-click on the
downloaded zip file and run the installer by double-clicking on the
.exe file. Complete the installation to install the required
USB drivers to use the EVM on the PC.
Follow proper
safety precautions working with sensitive electronics as well as
high voltage and high current hardware.
Power sequencing:
The USB cable must be plugged in first between the EVM and the
computer. Then turn on the power supply to the EVM. Powering the
EVM external bench supply before connecting the USB cable can
cause the USB device to not start up properly and result with
driver error.
Set up the bench
supply to <=11V for DRV8213/DRV8214/DRV8215 EVM or <38V
for DRV8234/DRV8235 EVM with current limit set to appropriate
requirements of the motor.