SLVUCS6 August 2024 TPS65987DDK
Table 2-4 lists the TPS65987DDKEVM LEDs.
Designator | Label | Description |
D12 | μB VBUS | White LED that shows when the μB port is connected (TIVA for GUI). |
D13 | SSMX: DP | White LED that shows when the TPS65987DDK device has enabled this signal for the super-speed MUX (depending on version of EVM), the silkscreen can appear to show this signal swapped with SSMX: USB3). |
D14 | SSMX: FLIP | White LED that shows when the TPS65987DDK device has enabled the flipped cable orientation signal for the super-speed MUX. |
D15 | SSMX: USB3 | White LED that shows when the TPS65987DDK device has enabled this signal for the super-speed MUX. |
D16 | VBUS | White LED that shows when VBUS has a voltage of 5V, 9V, 15V, or 20V. |
D19 | SYS_PWR | Blue LED that shows when the barrel jack is connected. |
D20 | VAR_DCDC | Green LED that shows when there is a voltage on the variable DC/DC controller (U9). When the EVM acts as a source, D20 lights up. |
D21 | PDO_0 | White LED that shows when there is a 5V PD contract (only shown when sourcing). |
D22 | PDO_1 | White LED that shows when there is a 9V PD contract (only shown when sourcing). |
D23 | PDO_2 | White LED that shows when there is a 15V PD contract (only shown when sourcing). |
D24 | PDO_3 | White LED that shows when there is a 20V PD contract (only shown when sourcing). |
D17 | /FLT | Red LED that shows when there is an fault occurred TPD6S300A device. |