Use the following steps for basic CCS
and terminal setup:
- Launch the CCS program on the PC:
Start → Texas Instruments → Code Composer Studio 7.2.0
→ Code Composer Studio 7.2.0.
- OK the workspace location and CCS
- Import the project: Project→
Import CCS Projects (make sure you are in CCS Edit mode).
- Navigate to the project location,
then click the Finish button.
- Build the project by clicking the
hammer symbol.
- Launch the debug session from CCS
to activate the current project: Run, Debug (or F11).
- Run the active project: Run, Resume
(or play button, F8).
- Determine the PC COM port connected
to the LaunchPad by going into the Device Manager Ports (COM and LPT)
section. Launch the terminal program.
- Once the terminal program is
properly connected to the LaunchPad running the PoE firmware, then text similar
to the following image appears.
- The TPS23881B1EVM is now waiting
for a PD load to be installed. As ports are installed, the system automatically
detects, classifies, and powers up the port as shown in Figure 4-7. Port status is updated on the screen approximately every 10 seconds.