SLVUD10A August 2024 – September 2024 TPS25772-Q1
The D+ and D- signals of Port A can either be routed to the Micro-B USB receptacle or to the TPS25772-Q1 using U12, the TS3USB221 USB Multiplexer. Pulling the Select pin low of the MUX connects the USB 2.0 data from the Port A Type-C receptacle to the Micro-B receptacle via the U13 TUSB4041I HUB. Pulling the Select pin high of the MUX connects the USB data from the Type-C receptacle of the Port A to the TPS25772-Q1.
See the USB_SEL signal connected to the J7 TVSP Selection header and the Q3 MOSFET in Figure 4-4 and the Select pin of the U12 MUX in Figure 4-5. By shorting pins 15 and 16 on the J7 TVSP header (and configuring the TPS25772-Q1 to boot in Firmware Update Mode), USB_SEL is high and connect the USB data from the Port A Type-C receptacle to the PA_DP and PA_DM pins of the TPS25772-Q1. By removing the jumper across pins 15 and 16 from J7, USB_SEL is low and connect the USB data from the Port A Type-C receptacle to the Micro-B receptacle.
The D+ and D- signals of Port B are directly connected to the Micro-B receptacle via the U13 HUB.