This section details the features of the EVM GUI Software. The GUI is written in GUI Composer and is available on the development software gallery at
The GUI connects and programs the C2000 MCU on the
LAUNCHXL-F280049C board when launched, assuming the board is connected and powered.
Once the hardware is connected, the FAULT status and voltage monitors match the EVM.
If these do not match, then remove EVM power and recheck the setup. If the fault is
triggered, then press the Clear Faults button on the GUI.
To spin the motor:
- Using a Google Chrome® browser, navigate to and search for the DRV8376EVM GUI.
- After loading, make sure that the GUI connects to
the board and shows Hardware Connected in the bottom status bar and that
the MCU LED is turned on.
- Confirm that the GUI reports VM_Undervoltage
Fault and Over-Current Fault.
- Turn on the power supply at and set the current
limit on the power supply.
- Make sure AVDD, GVDD, and VM LEDs lights up
- Click the Clear Faults button on the GUI
and confirm the fault light on GUI is clear (green) and check to see the
- Check the following items:
- GUI reads back the
voltage being supplied.
- GUI shows no FAULTs.
- FAULT LEDs is now
- Toggle Output Enable to ON.
- Raise the Duty Cycle (%) to desired value and the
motor starts spinning.
- If direction change is needed, then toggle the
direction in the GUI, observe the motor slowing down to a stop, and then
spinning in opposite direction.
- Disable the motor by switching the Output
Enable to OFF.