SLVUD41 October   2024 TPS65219


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2PDN and Sequence Diagrams
    1. 2.1 TPS6521940 Sequence and Power Block Diagram
  6. 3EEPROM Device Settings
    1. 3.1  Device ID
    2. 3.2  Enable Settings
    3. 3.3  Regulator Voltage Settings
    4. 3.4  Sequence Settings
      1. 3.4.1 Power-Up Sequence
      2. 3.4.2 Power-Down Sequence
    5. 3.5  EN / PB / VSENSE Settings
    6. 3.6  Multi-Function Pin Settings
    7. 3.7  Over-Current Deglitch
    8. 3.8  Mask Settings
    9. 3.9  Discharge Check
    10. 3.10 Multi PMIC Config
  7. 4Revision History


The TPS65219/TPS65220 PMIC is a cost and space optimized solution that has flexible mapping to support the power requirements from different processors and SoCs. This PMIC contains seven regulators; 3 Buck regulators and 4 Low Drop-out Regulators (LDOs). Additionally, it has I2C, GPIOs and configurable multi-function pins. TPS65219 is characterized for -40°C to +105°C ambient temperature and TPS65220 is characterized for -40°C to +125°C ambient temperature. The extended PMIC temperature range of TPS65220 allows support of AM64x based systems operating at higher temperatures. For safety sensitive applications, TPS65220 is functional safety capable. Therefore the TPS65220 development process is a TI-quality managed process, also functional safety FIT rate calculation and Failure mode distribution (FMD) is available for TPS65220. Whenever entering the INITIALIZE state, the PMIC reads its memory and loads the registers with the content from the EEPROM. The EEPROM loading takes approximately 2.3ms. The power-up sequence can only be executed after the EEPROM-load and all rails are discharged below the SCG threshold. This document describes the default configuration programmed on TPS6521901.

Note: The NVM configuration described in this document is ideal for the application described below but can also be used to power other processors or SoCs with equivalent power requirements:

  • Processor: AM62, AM64
  • CORE voltage: 0.75V
  • Memory: DDR4
  • Input Supply (VSYS, PVIN_Bx): 5V