SLWU067D November 2009 – March 2022 ADS4122 , ADS4125 , ADS4126 , ADS4128 , ADS4129 , ADS4142 , ADS4145 , ADS4146 , ADS4149 , ADS41B25 , ADS41B29 , ADS41B49 , ADS58B18 , ADS58B19
Option 1 supplies the transformer-coupled input from J6 to ADC. This configuration is the default on the EVM. The test result using this option is shown in Figure 5-2. A double-transformer input circuit is used to provide better differential to single-ended conversion than a single transformer can provide. The transformers used are both of a 1:1 turns ratio, so termination of the 50-Ω input signal path after the transformers can be two 25-Ω resistors terminated to the common-mode voltage (VCM) provided by the ADC.
Following the transformer coupling, surface-mount pads are provided for several input circuits. By default, the input circuit is configured as shown in the ADS4149 data sheet under the recommended input circuit for high-bandwidth (>100-MHz IF) inputs. However, the recommended low-bandwidth input circuit for the ADS4149 can be easily implemented on the surface-mount pads provided.