SLWU087E november   2013  – june 2023


  1.   1
  2.   High Speed Data Converter Pro GUI
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Introduction
  5. Software Start up
    1. 2.1 Installation Instructions
    2. 2.2 USB Interface and Drivers
    3. 2.3 Device ini Files
  6. User Interface
    1. 3.1 Toolbar
      1. 3.1.1 File Options
        1. User Profiles
        2. Resize Window
      2. 3.1.2 Instrument Options
        1. TSW14J56 and High Speed Data Converter (HSDC) Pro Eye Quality Analysis
        2. IO Delay
        3. JESD204B Error Injection
        4. FPGA Registers Write Read
      3. 3.1.3 Data Capture Option
        1. Capture Option
        2. Trigger Option
        3. Using Multiple TSW14xxx and ADC EVM’s for Simultaneous Capture using Trigger Option
          1. Hardware Setup
          2. Setting up the Slave Board
          3. Setting up the Master Board
          4. Read Captured Memory from the Slave Board
      4. 3.1.4 Test Options
        1.  Notch Frequency Bins
        2.  2 Channel Display and Cursor Lock
        3.  Analysis Window Markers
        4.  X-Scale in Time
        5.  Y-Scale in Voltage
        6.  Other Frequency Options
        7.  NSD Marker
        8.  Phase Plot
        9.  Phase in Degree
        10. Histogram
        11. Disable User Popups
        12. HSDC Pro Lite Version
      5. 3.1.5 Help
    2. 3.2 Status Windows
    3. 3.3 Mode Selection
    4. 3.4 Device Selection
    5. 3.5 Skip Configuration
    6. 3.6 Capture Button (ADC Mode Only)
    7. 3.7 Test Selection (ADC Mode only)
      1. 3.7.1 Single Tone FFT
        1. Parameter Controls
        2. ADC Captured Data Display Pane
        3. FFT Power Spectrum
        4. Overlay Unwrap Waveform
        5. Single Tone FFT Statistics
      2. 3.7.2 Multi Channel Display
      3. 3.7.3 Unit Selection
      4. 3.7.4 Time Domain
      5. 3.7.5 Two Tone
      6. 3.7.6 Channel Power
    8. 3.8 DAC Display Panel (DAC Mode only)
      1. 3.8.1 Send Button (DAC Mode Only)
      2. 3.8.2 Load File to Transfer into TSW14xxx Button
      3. 3.8.3 Parameter Controls
    9. 3.9 I/Q Multi-Tone Generator
  7. ADC Data Capture Software Operation
    1. 4.1 Testing a TSW1400 EVM with an ADS5281 EVM
    2. 4.2 Testing a TSW1400EVM with an ADS62P49EVM (CMOS Interface)
  8. TSW1400 Pattern Generator Operation
    1. 5.1 Testing a TSW1400 EVM with a DAC3152 EVM
    2. 5.2 Loading DAC Firmware
    3. 5.3 Configuring TSW1400 for Pattern Generation
    4. 5.4 Testing a TSW1400 EVM with a DAC5688EVM (CMOS Interface)
  9. TSW14J58 Functional Description
    1. 6.1 Testing the TSW14J58 EVM with an ADC12DJ3200 EVM
  10. TSW14J57 Functional Description
    1. 7.1 Testing the TSW14J57 EVM with an ADC34J45 EVM
  11. TSW14J56 Functional Description
    1. 8.1 Testing the TSW14J56 EVM with an ADC34J45 EVM
  12. TSW14J50 Functional Description
    1. 9.1 Device Selection
  13. 10TSW14J10 Functional Description
    1. 10.1 DAC and ADC GUI Configuration File Changes When Using a Xilinx Development Platform
    2. 10.2 DAC38J84EVM GUI Setup Example
  14.   A Signal Processing in High Speed Data Converter Pro
    1.     A.1 Introduction
    2.     A.2 FFT Calculation from Time Domain Data
      1.      A.2.1 FFT Window Correction Factor
    3.     A.3 FFT Filtering
    4.     A.4 Single Tone Parameters
      1.      A.4.1 Number of Neighboring Bins for each FFT Window
    5.     A.5 Fundamental Power
      1.      A.5.1 Harmonic Distortions
      2.      A.5.2 SNR
      3.      A.5.3 SFDR
      4.      A.5.4 THD
      5.      A.5.5 SINAD
      6.      A.5.6 ENOB
      7.      A.5.7 Next Spur
    6.     A.6 Two Tone Parameters
    7.     A.7 Average FFT Calculation
    8.     A.8 NSD Calculation
  15.   B History Notes
  16.   C Revision History

Parameter Controls

The five parameters used with the data file to generate the Time and Frequency domain plots are:

Scaling Factor (1x) – Scales the data based on the value (default is 1). This is applied for data loaded from files, and for the tone generated data. The scale data is sent to the DAC.

Preamble – The number of samples before the loop starting point (default is 0). This value must be in increments of 32.

Data Rate – Sample rate of I/Q samples of the test file. This is only used by the GUI FFT frequency display graph. The number is entered in Hertz (Hz), although the letter M may be appended to represent the sampling rate in MHz.

DAC Option – Determines if the test pattern file is either 2's compliment or Offset Binary.

Active Channel – Selects the channel in the test pattern file that is displayed (1, 2, 3, or 4) when the Enabled box is selected.

After a file has been loaded and the parameters updated, the GUI panel presents a graphical representation of the data. An example of an Offset Binary, 25.1-MHz tone with a data rate of 250 MHz is shown in Figure 3-39.

GUID-0FC903EE-9DE5-4144-A5EA-22A7507D0BFB-low.pngFigure 3-39 DAC Test Pattern Display

The “Send” button will now become active. Clicking on this button starts the transfer of data from the TSW14xxx to a DAC EVM under test. This pattern is a looping test pattern that constantly runs until the send button is clicked on again.

On the TSW1400 EVM, every time the pattern starts over, a sync pulse will be generated on the SMA labeled "SYNC4". This active high pulse width will be 8 sample clock cycles wide. The SMA labeled "SYNC3" will have a clock that is the sample rate divided by 16. These signals can be used to trigger external test equipment such as a spectrum analyzer.

GUID-358C0163-18ED-4143-95E8-17DF5A9EE437-low.gifFigure 3-40 Display Mode Options

In the middle of the display, there are three windows that allow the user to set the display mode of the test pattern to be sent, as shown in Figure 3-40. The data can be displayed as complex or real, the number of data points to display (from 1024 up to 524,288 depending on the TSW14xxx under test) and different windowing options.