SLWU087E november   2013  – june 2023


  1.   1
  2.   High Speed Data Converter Pro GUI
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Introduction
  5. Software Start up
    1. 2.1 Installation Instructions
    2. 2.2 USB Interface and Drivers
    3. 2.3 Device ini Files
  6. User Interface
    1. 3.1 Toolbar
      1. 3.1.1 File Options
        1. User Profiles
        2. Resize Window
      2. 3.1.2 Instrument Options
        1. TSW14J56 and High Speed Data Converter (HSDC) Pro Eye Quality Analysis
        2. IO Delay
        3. JESD204B Error Injection
        4. FPGA Registers Write Read
      3. 3.1.3 Data Capture Option
        1. Capture Option
        2. Trigger Option
        3. Using Multiple TSW14xxx and ADC EVM’s for Simultaneous Capture using Trigger Option
          1. Hardware Setup
          2. Setting up the Slave Board
          3. Setting up the Master Board
          4. Read Captured Memory from the Slave Board
      4. 3.1.4 Test Options
        1.  Notch Frequency Bins
        2.  2 Channel Display and Cursor Lock
        3.  Analysis Window Markers
        4.  X-Scale in Time
        5.  Y-Scale in Voltage
        6.  Other Frequency Options
        7.  NSD Marker
        8.  Phase Plot
        9.  Phase in Degree
        10. Histogram
        11. Disable User Popups
        12. HSDC Pro Lite Version
      5. 3.1.5 Help
    2. 3.2 Status Windows
    3. 3.3 Mode Selection
    4. 3.4 Device Selection
    5. 3.5 Skip Configuration
    6. 3.6 Capture Button (ADC Mode Only)
    7. 3.7 Test Selection (ADC Mode only)
      1. 3.7.1 Single Tone FFT
        1. Parameter Controls
        2. ADC Captured Data Display Pane
        3. FFT Power Spectrum
        4. Overlay Unwrap Waveform
        5. Single Tone FFT Statistics
      2. 3.7.2 Multi Channel Display
      3. 3.7.3 Unit Selection
      4. 3.7.4 Time Domain
      5. 3.7.5 Two Tone
      6. 3.7.6 Channel Power
    8. 3.8 DAC Display Panel (DAC Mode only)
      1. 3.8.1 Send Button (DAC Mode Only)
      2. 3.8.2 Load File to Transfer into TSW14xxx Button
      3. 3.8.3 Parameter Controls
    9. 3.9 I/Q Multi-Tone Generator
  7. ADC Data Capture Software Operation
    1. 4.1 Testing a TSW1400 EVM with an ADS5281 EVM
    2. 4.2 Testing a TSW1400EVM with an ADS62P49EVM (CMOS Interface)
  8. TSW1400 Pattern Generator Operation
    1. 5.1 Testing a TSW1400 EVM with a DAC3152 EVM
    2. 5.2 Loading DAC Firmware
    3. 5.3 Configuring TSW1400 for Pattern Generation
    4. 5.4 Testing a TSW1400 EVM with a DAC5688EVM (CMOS Interface)
  9. TSW14J58 Functional Description
    1. 6.1 Testing the TSW14J58 EVM with an ADC12DJ3200 EVM
  10. TSW14J57 Functional Description
    1. 7.1 Testing the TSW14J57 EVM with an ADC34J45 EVM
  11. TSW14J56 Functional Description
    1. 8.1 Testing the TSW14J56 EVM with an ADC34J45 EVM
  12. TSW14J50 Functional Description
    1. 9.1 Device Selection
  13. 10TSW14J10 Functional Description
    1. 10.1 DAC and ADC GUI Configuration File Changes When Using a Xilinx Development Platform
    2. 10.2 DAC38J84EVM GUI Setup Example
  14.   A Signal Processing in High Speed Data Converter Pro
    1.     A.1 Introduction
    2.     A.2 FFT Calculation from Time Domain Data
      1.      A.2.1 FFT Window Correction Factor
    3.     A.3 FFT Filtering
    4.     A.4 Single Tone Parameters
      1.      A.4.1 Number of Neighboring Bins for each FFT Window
    5.     A.5 Fundamental Power
      1.      A.5.1 Harmonic Distortions
      2.      A.5.2 SNR
      3.      A.5.3 SFDR
      4.      A.5.4 THD
      5.      A.5.5 SINAD
      6.      A.5.6 ENOB
      7.      A.5.7 Next Spur
    6.     A.6 Two Tone Parameters
    7.     A.7 Average FFT Calculation
    8.     A.8 NSD Calculation
  15.   B History Notes
  16.   C Revision History

History Notes

HSDC Pro GUI User’s Guide (November 2013)

Created a new “High Speed Data Converter Pro GUI” User’s Guide document (SLWU087) that will replace the software and operational sections of the “TSW140x High Speed Data Capture/Pattern Generator Card” User’s Guide (SLWU079B).

HSDC Pro GUI Software Version 5.22 (since Version 3.1)

  1. Added the ability to reload device INI files through Instrument Options menu.
  2. Added IO Delay / calibration feature for adjusting delay on individual lanes for the TSW14DL3200EVM.
  3. Added JESD204B Error Injection debugging feature.
  4. Added the option for writing and reading to FPGA firmware registers using the FPGA Registers Write/Read option.
  5. New feature for writing captured data to binary file.
  6. Added feature for automatic re-arming of trigger.
  7. Added phase plot for viewing phase in radian (or degree) on FFT window.
  8. Added 2nd input target frequency for compatible devices under the additional device parameters menu.
  9. Added # NCO Bits field for user defined NCO accuracy.
  10. New histogram feature allows users to view maximum and minimum codes recorded and number of hits for any code for a capture.
  11. Added the feature to highlight notched FFT bins in window.

HSDC Pro GUI Software Version 3.1 (since Version 3.0)

  1. Added the feature to communicate with the Device GUI EXE from HSDC Pro EXE through back channel communication (Device GUI EXE needs to be updated with the necessary changes).
  2. Implemented the new Spur Search algorithm that uses NCO and Decimation along with Fs and Fin values.
  3. Updated 14J50 ADC INIs, Firmware, and DLL to support Megacore IP. TSW14J50 DLL works at 3MHz SPI baud rate for now (future version will have it increased to 30MHz).
  4. Added Unit selection option to the measurement table to switch between dBF, dBc and Hz.
  5. Added an option to display Time domain Y Scale in Voltage. By default the voltage range will be from -2V to 2V. The value can be specified in the Device INI by adding the parameter “Y Scale Voltage Range= -2V to 2V”
  6. Added a right click shortcut option to the Real FFT graphs to display X scale in log scale.
  7. Time domain graph X axis has been updated to display only integers even while zooming (earlier it was displaying floating numbers).
  8. Added the option to load maximum of 512K data in the display in DAC page. (Earlier it was 64K).
  9. NSD parameter in the measurement table has been updated to be displayed in dBFs/Hz (earlier it was dBFs/bin).
  10. Menu option to enable or disable the NSD Marker has been added.
  11. TSW14J56 DLL and Firmware has been updated to support Sysref based Trigger (for testing).
  12. Added AFE5801, AFE5803, AFE5804, AFE5805, AFE5807, AFE5808, AFE5809, AFE5851_12X, ADS52J90 device and mode support to TSW1400.
  13. Added ADS54J54, ADS58J8x, ADC14X250, ADC31JB68, ADC32RF45, ADS42B4, ADC12J4000_D10_SDR, ADC12J4000_D20_DDR, ADC12J4000_D32_DDR and RFDAC device and mode support to TSW14J56.
  14. Removed 14J01 folder from the installer.
  15. Removed TSW1400 and TSW1405 API document from the installer.
  16. Removed Auto scaling for the X axis in the graph while switching between Channels or Graph types.
  17. Updated the Peak to peak calculation in the measurement table using "Peak to Peak = (max code – min code) + 1" in both ADC and DAC Time domain.
  18. Bug fix in handling the parameters exported from the Device GUI through Back Channel communication.
  19. Bug fix in updating the Codes page with the correct data when the cursor in the context plot is moved, with the X scale in Time.
  20. Bug fix in displaying the markers M1 and M2 in DAC page when the cursor is moved.
  21. Bug fix in displaying the Test Parameters (Two Tone and Channel Power) when we switch between ADC and DAC tabs.
  22. Bug fix in Sync pattern search in TSW1400.
  23. Bug fix in applying the Bit packing pattern in DLL - TSW14J56, KC705, VC707 platforms.
  24. Bug fix in handling the Parameters exported from the Plugin GUI.
  25. Bug fix in updating the current values of JESD parameters in the Dynamic Configuration popup.

HSDC Pro GUI Software Version 3.0 (since Version 2.70)

  1. Updated TSW14J56 firmware, DLL and INI files to support Megacore IP.
  2. Added support for TSW14J10 to interface with Xilinx Virtex VC707 Board.
  3. FFT Display changes (a) showing –fs/2 and fs/2 components in complex FFT (b) fs/2 and DC are not summed in Real FFT.
  4. Automation functions for Import Data File, Import Binary File and DAC Scaling Factor added.
  5. Export functions for the parameter GUI Channels to Disable, Channel Display Strings, and Device GUI Tab Name are added.
  6. Fixed issue with the Average FFT memory buildup for large number of captures.
  7. Fixed Trigger modes when the Number of Samples to capture is changed, it was not getting updated in the next immediate capture.
  8. Added the feature to save the Screenshots of all channels for ADC.
  9. Added support for DAC Bit masking in all the boards.
  10. Retaining the DAC Scaling Factor value while Creating Tones (Earlier it was reset to 1).
  11. Retaining the Last Selected ADC and DAC device name while switching between ADC and DAC tabs based on the firmware present in the board.
  12. Fixed displaying the Time domain X axis scale in Time when the Channel pattern is unequal.
  13. Support for skipping of Sync Pattern in TSW1400 v1.0 DLL.
  14. Added HSDC Pro Manifest File – SRAS approved HTML format.

HSDC Pro GUI Software Version 2.70 (since Version 2.40)

  1. Added support for TSW14J10 to interface to Xilinx KC705 Board.
  2. Fix for “JTAG Broken Chain Issue” when connected to USB3 Port PC.
  3. Added FFT Peak Analysis feature, which can be enabled from the menu - Test Options -> Other Frequency Options. When enabled, the dotted line present represents the threshold for peak frequency analysis.
  4. HSDC Pro UI has been resized to fit 768 resolution PCs.
  5. Added disabling of fundamental frequency search feature. This disables the fundamental frequency search, and allows the user to set the Fundamental frequency using the Input Target Frequency. This option is available under the menu - Test Options -> Other Frequency Options.
  6. Two Tone FFT calculation has been updated to support two closely spaced tones. The integration of the nearby bins for frequency power calculation is also now applied for the Two Tone frequency parameters, based on the menu setting.
  7. Fixed error in Complex FFT calculation, whose FFT result which was having an offset.
  8. Added Automation function for FFT Peak Analysis and for exporting the Time Domain Parameters.
  9. The fundamental frequency pointer in the FFT plot has been replaced with a single marker, which represents the integrated fundamental frequency.
  10. Made changes in the TSW14J56 DLL to fix the random FTDI errors in continuous capture mode. Reduced the capture time taken by TSW14J56 board.
  11. Input target frequencies now support negative frequency inputs.
  12. Fixed the issue with the updating of the FFT Plot in Two channel display mode.
  13. Modified the short cut menu option for exporting the FFT data from plot(right clicking on the FFT plot -> Export -> Export Data to Excel), to have the X-axis frequency values in floating point (previously they were in SI notation which was difficult for post processing using other software.
  14. Modified the TSW14J56 reference clock pop up to appear when ADC Data Rate changes (instead of when pressing Capture button).

HSDC Pro GUI Software Version 2.40 (since Version 2.30)

  1. Modified DAC scaling factor, which is now applied to both the data files and to the tone generated data. The scaling factor that was present near the DAC tone generation has been removed.
  2. Implemented device search for ADC and DAC devices. Supports partial search – for a given input string, GUI will list all devices which has this string in any part of the device name. While searching, pressing enter/return key, will automatically select the first listed device under the search.
  3. Implemented Software and Hardware Triggering in TSW1400 DAC.
  4. Added automation functions - To read the ADC time domain data as a binary file, set the ADC 2nd input target frequency and functions for DAC Hardware and Software Triggering.
  5. Modified the automation function architecture to execute each case and the cases they call, before starting to execute the next automation DLL command in queue.
  6. Plugin GUI unloading will now happen only when the next device (ADC/DAC) is selected. When no valid device is selected, the plugin GUI tab will be hidden.
  7. Added support for decoding bit packed data (no padded zeroes) in TSW14J56 ADC.
  8. Support for 0s, and sample re-ordering in TSW14J56 DAC.
  9. GUI Support for 16 channels devices in TSW1405.
  10. Fixed issue with the updating of context plot in TSW1405, which happened when some of the channels were disabled.

HSDC Pro GUI Software Version 2.3 (since Version 2.2, November 2013)

Added support for TSW14J56 Board.

The default value for notching around harmonics has been changed to 0 for all FFT windows.

Updated Single Tone Parameters table to display the configured number of harmonic values.

When markers M1 and M2 are moved, their corresponding frequency values will be displayed.

Added automatic checking and installing of .NET 2.0 in the HSDC Pro Installer.

Fixed issue with the latest FTDI driver, which caused GUI to hang after downloading firmware in TSW1405 and TSW1406 EVM’s.

Added board dynamic configuration menu item for TSW14J56, to change the device ini parameter values on the fly. User message with reference clock value has been added for TSW14J56, which will be displayed when the lane rate changes, when capture/send button is pressed.

Updated ini/firmware files of TSW14J56. TSW14J56 DAC now uses MPSSE mode.

Updated TSW14J56 Channel pattern to accept 0’s (which will discard the data).

Updated the board dynamic configuration with option for "Reset", which will reload the values from the device ini file.

Added user message with reference clock value for TSW14J56, which will be displayed when the lane rate changes, when capture/send button is pressed.

Added feature of selecting the channel number to where the channel data will be displayed in GUI for TSW14J56. For example, if the DDR contains only 2 channels data, but the data needs to be displayed in channels 1, 3, then the channel pattern will be set using 1 and 3, and number of channels will be set as 4. Data read from DDR will be displayed in channels 1 and 3, and channels 2 and 4 will not have any data.

Modified lane rate calculation based on "Number of Channels" instead of JESD parameter M.

Fixed DSPLib error issue which was reported in one Windows XP PC.

Displaying the configured harmonics in the Single Tone Parameters table, with a scroll bar.

Added Automation function for setting the starting sample for the ADC Analysis window.

Fixed bug in the FFT plot, when switching to a channel with a lesser number of samples, compared to the Analysis Window length (FBRX mode).

HSDC Pro GUI Software Version 2.2 and Earlier

Version 2.2

Average FFT is now calculated by Root Mean Square method.

GUI has been optimized for faster capture time.

Added Automation functions for ADC FFT Averaging, Setting Bandwidth Integration Markers, and Channel Power Settings.

Patch 2.10.01

1. Added DAC31x1 and DAC31x4 ini files for TSW1400,TSW1406 and ADS5401-09 ini file for TSW1405.

2. Added Read/Write Register Automation functions for Plugin GUI.

Version 2.10

Added Complex FFT for ADC.

Added HSDC Pro Automation DLL, which can be used to communicate with HSDC Pro GUI from another application at \High Speed Data Converter Pro\HSDCPro Automation DLL.

Added LabVIEW, C and Matlab examples for the Automation DLL at \High Speed Data Converter Pro\HSDCPro Automation DLL.

Removed negative tone frequencies in DAC tone generation.

Renamed ADC Sampling Rate to ADC Output Data Rate.

The exact frequency values can be viewed by hovering the mouse over the respective control.