SLYA042 July   2024 FDC1004 , FDC1004-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Introduction
  5. CSAs and Input Bias Stage
  6. CSA and Gain Error Factor
  7. Applications for Resistance at Input Pins of Current Sense Amplifiers
    1. 4.1 Input Resistance Design Considerations
  8. Applications for Input Resistance at Reference Pins of Current Sense Amplifiers
    1. 5.1 Bidirectional CSA and Applications
    2. 5.2 Driving CSA Reference Pin With High-Resistance Source Voltage
    3. 5.3 Input Resistance at Reference Pin Design Considerations
  9. Design Procedure and Error Calculation for External Input Resistance on CSA
    1. 6.1 Calculating eEXT for INA185A4 With 110Ω Input Resistors
  10. Design Procedure for Input Resistance on Capacitively-Coupled Current Sense Amplifier
    1. 7.1 Bench Verification of Input eEXT for Capacitively-Coupled Current Sense Amplifiers
  11. Design Procedure for Input Resistance at CSA Reference Pins
  12. Input Resistance Error Test with INA185 Over Temperature
    1. 9.1 Schematic
    2. 9.2 Methods
    3. 9.3 Theoretical Model
    4. 9.4 Data for INA185A4 with 110Ω Input Resistors
      1. 9.4.1 Data Calculations
    5. 9.5 Analysis
  13. 10Input Resistance Error Test with INA191 Over Temperature
    1. 10.1 Schematic
    2. 10.2 Methods
    3. 10.3 Theoretical Model
    4. 10.4 Data for INA191A4 With 2.2kΩ Input Resistors
      1. 10.4.1 Data Analysis
    5. 10.5 Analysis
  14. 11Derivation of VOS, EXT for a Single Stage Current Sense Amplifier (CSA)
  15. 12Summary
  16. 13References

Design Procedure for Input Resistance at CSA Reference Pins

When CSAs have external input resistance at the REF pin, the designer must confirm that the reduced dynamic range of CSA output can still meet system requirements. This requires considering all possibilities of resistor tolerance, CSA process variation, bus voltage variation, and supply voltage (Vs), if using a resistor divider of Vs pin.

  1. Before the analysis, understand what are the maximum and minimum bounds of the linear operating range of VOUT, as well as, how are these bounds are further constrained by device output voltage noise.
    1. VOUT, MAX = VOUT, MAX linear – VOUT, noise pk-pk/2
    2. VOUT, MIN = VOUT, MIN linear + VOUT, noise pk-pk/2
      1. Usually VOUT, MAX linear can be 100mV below output's swing to supply voltage.
      2. Usually VOUT, MIN linear can be 100mV above output's swing to ground.
  2. For each PV corner, examine all 4 possible worst-case Ra and Rb combination at maximum temperature swing (assume the PV corner can have both PTC and NTC).
    1. Calculate the designed for reference voltage value V R E F _ x   =   V S   ×   R a | | R b
    2. Calculate the effective input resistance (Rx = Ra||Rb).
  3. For each combination, calculate the effective reference voltage (VREF_EFFECTIVE) using Equation 21 as shown outlined in the following Driving Voltage Reference Pins of Current-Sensing Amplifiers, application note.
    1. Equation 21. V O U T _ e r r o r   =   m ( - V R E F _ x   +   V C M   +   V D I F F 2 ) V R E F ,   E F F E C T I V E   P r e d i c t e d   =   V R E F _ x   +   V O U T _ e r r o r
    2. Note that if the CSA has external input resistors at input pins, then REXT needs to be added to in-series with RINT.
    3. Assume maximum possible VCM.
  4. Determine the worst-case maximum and minimum VREF_EFFECTIVE
    1. Maximum VREF_EFFECTIVE usually occurs at -PV, -PV_TC, minimum Ra, and maximum Rb.
    2. Minimum VREF_EFFECTIVE usually occurs at +PV, +PV_TC, maximum Ra, and minimum Rb.
  5. Confirm the circuit's measurable dynamic range at maximum temperature swing. For each PV corner:
    1. Determine the worst-case total RTI offset ±(VOS, EXT RTI+ VOS, RTI)
    2. Calculate the device's worst-case gain error.
    3. Calculate the worst-case VOUT at no load (VOUT_0A) with VOUT_0A = ±VOS, total*Gain + VREF_EFFECTIVE, MAX/MIN
      1. Usually the maximum VOUT_0A, MAX occurs at minimum PV/PV_TC, maximum VOS, Total, and maximum VREF_EFFECTIVE.
      2. Usually the minimum VOUT_0A, MAX occurs at maximum PV/PV_TC, minimum VOS, Total, and minimum VREF_EFFECTIVE.
    4. Determine measurable current assuming a differential measurement of output
      1. IMeasurable, low = (VOUT, MIN - VOUT_0A, MIN)/(GainTypical*RSHUNT)
      2. IMeasurable, high = (VOUT, MAX - VOUT_0A, MAX)/(GainTypical*RSHUNT)