Determining the level of liquid inside a
container is a common challenge across many industries and applications.
- Around the house, liquid level
sensing is used in mopping robots to let the user know when the robot has run out of
cleaning solution.
- Single cup coffee makers will detect
when they are low on water and notify the user to add more water to brew a cup of a
certain size.
- Vehicles use liquid level sensing to
detect when more windshield wiper fluid needs to be added to the reservoir. Every
car has a fuel gauge displaying how full or empty the gas tank is.
- Airplanes similarly measure the
amount of fuel left.
- Level sensors can shut down a unit if
the liquid runs out, such as a humidifier turning off when the water tank is empty
or an AC unit disabling itself if the drip pan isn't draining.
There are many applications for liquid
level sensing around us every day, and there are many different measuring