The TMAG5173EVM comes with the Joystick 3D print.
However, this 3D print canalso work with the TMAG5273 since both devices use the
same magnetic range. To use the joystick demo, follow these steps:
- Attach the joystick module to the EVM. See Figure 4-15 for an example on how this module is connected to one of the two TMAG5173 EVM
- In the GUI register page:
- Select the
DEVICE_CONFIG2 register and check the following:
- Make sure that
drop-down menu option for the OPERATING_MODE register bits says
00b = Standby Mode (starts new conversion at trigger
- Make sure that
drop-down menu option for the TRIGGER_MODE register bits says
0b=Conversion Start at I2C Command Bits
- Click the
SENSOR_CONFIG1 register and select the 0011b= X, Y channel
enabled option under the MAG_CH_EN drop-down menu to enable the
X and Y channels. The user can also select the 0111b= X, Y, Z channel
enabled option to enable the Z channel, but only the X and Y
channels are required to observe the effect of the motion of the
joystick. If the Z channel is enabled, then remember that this channel
sees larger fields than the X and Y channel. Select the 1b = ±80 mT
(TMAG5x73A1)/ ±266mT (TMAG5X73A2) option under the Z_RANGE
register bit drop-down menu to make sure the Z_RANGE bit in the
SENSOR_CONFIG2 register is set to 1.
- Go to the Plots tab within the Results
Data page. Make sure that at least the X Component and Y Component
checkboxes are selected under the Results to collect/show box, then press
the COLLECT DATA button shown in Figure 4-16.
- When the user moves the
joystick around, the X and Y readings change.
- Note that
different joysticks can have different magnetic readings for a
specific joystick position due to differences in the
installation position of the spherical magnet within the
joystick. However, this can be dealt with by mapping the
different joystick positions to the magnetic flux density
readings during calibration, similar to the approach shown in
this video:
- Press the STOP COLLECT button to stop
collecting data.
- After testing a particular TMAG5x73 device
variant, make sure to first disconnect the SCB USB cable from the PC before
connecting the SCB to another part of the EVM board associated with the other
TMAG5x73 device variant. After disconnecting the cable, the part of the EVM
board associated with the other TMAG5x73 variant must be connected to the SCB
before reconnecting the SCB USB cable to the PC.