SNAA365 June   2024 LMK5B33216


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Hardware Architecture
    1. 1.1 Clocking Scheme
    2. 1.2 FPGA Design
  5. 2syn1588® Synchronization Algorithm
    1. 2.1 PTP Time-of-Day Clock Adjustment Algorithm
  6. 3Test Setup
    1. 3.1 FMC Adapter Board
    2. 3.2 Compliance Test Setup
    3. 3.3 Compliance Test of Telecom Profile G.8275.1 - Full Timing Support
      1. 3.3.1 Transfer Characteristic
      2. 3.3.2 Absolute Time Error
      3. 3.3.3 Lock Time
    4. 3.4 Compliance Test of Telecom Profile G.8275.2 - Partial Timing Support
    5. 3.5 Compliance Test of Telecom Profile G.8262.1 - SyncE Transient
  7. 4PTP System Application
  8. 5Additional Development
  9. 6Conclusion
  10. 7References

FPGA Design

The syn1588® IP core is easily ported to the FPGA device using a standard software tool chain. The timing report of the compiled design shows that the internal syn1588® ToD clock can operate at a system frequency of up to 250MHz. The 125MHz is chosen for the first implementation because this frequency is a common use case for ToD implementations. The 125MHz network timing PTP clock can be increased to 250MHz by reducing the output divider setting by 2 in the LMK5XXXXXS1 or doubling the 125MHz clock through an internal PLL in the Arria® 10 FPGA. Increasing the frequency to 250MHz improves the resolution of the PTP clock and the time stamp resolution without introducing any noticeable jitter.

The following list, taken from the FPGA fitter report, shows resource utilization of the FPGA design with two 10G Ethernet ports with full PTP support. For this implementation, a second pair of PCS PMA modules is instantiated with an XMAC IP core attached. While the second 10G Ethernet port requires an independent pair of packet scanning engines, the Ethernet port shares the syn1588® hardware ToD clock, which is extended with two additional time stamp registers.

  • Fitter Status: Successful - Tue Dec 14 13:37:50 2021
  • Quartus Prime Version: 21.3.0 Build 170 09/23/2021
  • Family: Arria 10 Device: 10AS066K3F40E2SG
  • Final Logic utilization (in ALMs): 33,223 / 251,680 (13 %)
  • Total registers: 55308 Total pins: 464 / 864 (54 %)
  • Total block memory bits: 5,402,112 / 43,642,880 (12 %)
  • Total RAM Blocks: 364 / 2,131 (17 %)
  • Total DSP Blocks: 0 / 1,687 (0 %)
  • Total HSSI RX channels: 2 / 36 (6 %)
  • Total HSSI TX channels: 2 / 36 (6 %)
  • Total PLLs: 10 / 80 (13 %)