SNAA378 January   2023 LMX1204


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2Test Setup
  5. 3Measurement Results
    1. 3.1 Input/Output Return Loss
    2. 3.2 Group Delay
    3. 3.3 Phase Error Within One LMX1204 Device
    4. 3.4 Phase Error Across all LMX1204 Channels
  6. 4Conclusion
  7. 5References

Group Delay

Figure 3-2 shows the group delay through the reference design. The group delay response is proportional to the slope of the phase response. Group delay is a convenient way to visualize deviation from linear phase. For this reference design, the group delay is around 3.7 ns ±0.4 ns. The response between device outputs is very consistent.

GUID-20221207-SS0I-V4DH-HXK4-2D56CVCZTWCK-low.png Figure 3-2 Group Delay Response