SNAA396 February   2024 LMK5B33216 , LMK5B33216 , LMK5B33414 , LMK5B33414


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 800G Market Trend
  5. 2LMK5B33216 for SerDes Applications
    1. 2.1 BAW Technology in LMK5B33216
  6. 3LMK5B33216 for Ethernet Applications
    1. 3.1 Frequency and Phase Adjustments
    2. 3.2 Input Reference Switching
    3. 3.3 Holdover
    4. 3.4 Zero-Delay Mode
  7. 4LMK5B33216 Performance
    1. 4.1 Phase Noise Profile
    2. 4.2 RMS Jitter
  8. 5Summary
  9. 6References

Zero-Delay Mode

Each DPLL supports Zero Delay Mode (ZDM) to achieve a deterministic phase relationship between the DPLL reference clock and the ZDM feedback output clock at every boot-up or software reset. All output clocks sourced from a ZDM-configured DPLL become phase aligned through the synchronization (SYNC) feature. A zero-phase delay is attainable across all clocks by inserting analog or digital delays available on the LMK5B33216.

Figure 3-7 demonstrates how select outputs, such as OUT0, can internally feed back to any DPLL as a zero-delay output clock. For additional details on ZDM theory, refer to Multi-Clock Synchronization.

GUID-20231213-SS0I-9BFC-TW0G-GMVXXTKM8XGK-low.svgFigure 3-7 DPLL ZDM Synchronization Between Reference Input and OUT0