Several applications using the Renesas' RC19XXX, 9QXL2001X, and TI's LMKDB1XXX, CDCDB2000 families require several vendors to supply clock buffers, also known as multi-sourcing. The compatible parts in each device family have the same pin-outs but certain differences between the designs. To certify proper operation when completing a drop-in replacement of the RC19XXX/9QXL2001X device families with the LMKDB1XXX/CDCDB2000 device family, certain customer design requirements need to be made on either hardware and or software, depending on the part. Those design requirements and the differences between the parts are highlighted in this document.
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The RC19XXX/9QXL2001X device families have the same pin-out as the LMKDB1XXX/CDCDB2000 device family. This document compares all pins, features, and registers between the parts, highlighting any differences and stating any key actions required when completing a drop-in replacement. Each part comparison section contains a subsection going through the hardware changes required and another going through the software changes required.