SNAS717A April 2017 – October 2021 ADC12D1620QML-SP
The ADC12D1620 has two features to assist the user with synchronizing multiple ADCs in a system: AutoSync and DCLK reset. The AutoSync feature is new and designates one ADC12D1620 as the primary ADC and other ADC12D1620 devices in the system as secondary ADCs. The DCLK reset feature performs the same function as the AutoSync feature, but is the first-generation solution to synchronizing multiple ADCs in a system; it is disabled by default. For applications in which there are multiple primary and secondary ADC12D1620 devices in a system, AutoSync may be used to synchronize the secondary ADC12D1620 devices to each respective primary ADC12D1620, and the DCLK reset may be used to synchronize the primary ADC12D1620 devices to each other.
If the AutoSync or DCLK reset feature is not used, see Table 8-2 for recommendations about terminating unused pins.
RCLK+, RCLK– | Do not connect. |
RCOUT1+, RCOUT1– | Do not connect. |
RCOUT2+, RCOUT2– | Do not connect. |
DCLK_RST+ | Connect to GND with a 1-kΩ resistor. |
DCLK_RST- | Connect to VA with a 1-kΩ resistor. |