SNAS717A April 2017 – October 2021 ADC12D1620QML-SP
In addition to executing a calibration after power-on and device stabilization, in order to obtain optimal parametric performance TI recommends execution of an on-command calibration whenever the settings or conditions to the device are significantly altered. Some examples include: changing the FSR through either ECM or Non-ECM, power-cycling either channel, and switching into or out of DES mode. For best performance, it is also recommended that an on-command calibration be run 20 seconds or more after application of power and whenever the operating temperature changes significantly relative to the specific system performance requirements. See Figure 6-31 for the impact temperature change can have on the performance of the device without re-calibration.
Due to the nature of the calibration feature, TI recommends avoiding unnecessary activities on the device while the calibration is taking place. For example, do not read or write to the serial interface or use the DCLK reset feature while calibrating the ADC; doing so impairs the performance of the device until it is re-calibrated correctly. Also, TI recommends not to apply a strong narrow-band signal to the analog inputs during calibration because this may impair the accuracy of the calibration; broad spectrum noise is acceptable.