SNAS717A April 2017 – October 2021 ADC12D1620QML-SP
When the ADC performs a calibration, the calibration constants are stored in an array which is accessible through the Calibration Values register (Addr: 5h). To save the time it takes to execute a calibration, tCAL, or to allow re-use of a previous calibration result, these values can be read from and written to the register at a later time. For example, if an application requires the same input impedance, RIN, this feature can be used to load a previously determined set of values. For the calibration values to be valid, the ADC must be operating under the same conditions, including temperature, at which the calibration values were originally determined by the ADC.
To read calibration values from the SPI, do the following:
To write calibration values to the SPI, do the following: