SNAS717A April 2017 – October 2021 ADC12D1620QML-SP
The ADC12D1620QML uses a package redesign to achieve better ENOB, SNR, and X-talk compared to the ADC12D1600QML. As is its predecessor, the ADC12D1620QML is a low-power, high-performance CMOS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that digitizes signals at a 12-bit resolution at sampling rates up to 3.2 GSPS in an interleaved mode. It can also be used as a dual-channel ADC for sampling rates up to 1.6 GSPS. For sampling rates below 800 MHz, there is a low-sampling power-saving mode (LSPSM) that reduces power consumption to less than 1.4 W per channel (typical). The ADC can support conversion rates as low as 200 MSPS.
5962F1220502VXF | SMD Flight 300 krad(Si) | CCGA (376) |
ADC12D1620CCMLS | Flight 300 krad(Si) | CCGA (376) |
ADC12D1620CCMPR | Pre-flight engineering prototype | CCGA (376) |
ADC10D1000DAISY | Daisy chain, mechanical sample, no die | CCGA (376) |
ADC12D1620LGMLS | Flight 300 krad(Si) | CLGA (256) |
ADC12D1620LGMPR | Pre-flight engineering prototype | CLGA (256) |
ADC10D1000LDAZ | Daisy chain, mechanical sample, no die | CLGA (256) |