SNAS717A April 2017 – October 2021 ADC12D1620QML-SP
The non-demultiplexed mode (NDM) pin selects whether the ADC12D1620 is in demux mode (logic-low) or non-demux mode (logic-high). In non-demux mode, the data from the input is produced at the sampled rate at a single 12-bit output bus. In demux mode, the data from the input is produced at half the sampled rate and at twice the number of output buses. For non-DES mode, each I or Q channel produces its data on one or two buses for non-demux or demux mode, respectively. For DES mode, the selected channel produces its data on two or four buses for non-demux or demux mode, respectively.
This feature is pin-controlled only and remains active during both non-ECM and ECM. See Demux/Non-Demux Mode for more information.