SNAS717A April 2017 – October 2021 ADC12D1620QML-SP
In extended control mode (ECM), most functions are controlled through the serial interface. In addition to this, several of the control pins remain active. See Table 7-1 for details. ECM is selected by setting the ECE pin to logic-low. Each time the ADC is powered up the configuration register values are in an unknown state. Therefore all registers must be user configured to the default and/or desired values before device use. If the ECE pin is set to logic-high (non-ECM), then the registers are reset to their default values. Therefore, a simple way to reset the registers is by toggling the ECE pin. Four pins on the ADC12D1620 device control the serial interface: SCS, SCLK, SDI, and SDO. This section covers the serial interface. (See also Register Definitions.)