SNAS734F July 2017 – January 2024 CDCI6214
The output enable functionality allows to enable or disable all or a specific output buffer. The bypass copy on Y0 is excluded from the global output enable signal. When an output is disabled, it drives a configurable mute-state, ch[4:1]_mute-sel. When the serial interface is deactivated one can use all individual output enable signals at the same time, see mode. The individual output enable signal controls the respective output channel integer divider to gate the clock. Therefore each integer divider needs to be active. When multiple outputs are sourced from the same integer divider, the respective OE signal will enable/disable the output(s). (1)
When multiple output enable signals are configured on multiple-GPIO pins, then the global output enable OE has higher priority than the individual output enable OE[4:1]. An individual output enable OE[4:1] may only be configured on a single pin.
The individual output enable signal enables and disables the respective output in a deterministic way. Therefore the high and low level of the signal is qualified by counting four cycles of the respective output clock. The following steps can be seen in Figure 8-7:
The deterministic behaviour of the individual output enable is designed for an output frequency up to 200 MHz.