SNAS854 February 2023 TDC1000-Q1
As shown in #SNAS6484715, the transmitter block can add a 180° shift at a position in the TX signal. The position of the pulse shift is set by the TX_PH_SHIFT_POS field in the CONFIG_4 register and allows generating a specific signal pattern.
As shown in #SNAS6482718, enabling the TX 180° pulse shift has the effect of decreasing the number of transmitted pulses by 1.
In some cases, the 180° pulse shift may help improving the turn-off time of a transducer, and thus suppress the transmit ringing.
The 180° pulse shift is disabled by setting TX_PH_SHIFT_POS to position 31. Setting the 180° pulse shift to positions 0 or 1 is not recommended.