SNLA419 October   2022 TDP1204 , TMDS1204


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2Test Setup
  5. 3Test Procedure
    1. 3.1 AEQ Configuration
    2. 3.2 Verify AEQ Configuration
  6. 4AEQ Functional Tests
  7. 5Summary
  8. 6References


The ability to adaptively equalize a signal provides an ability to provide a system with a robust communications solution between a transmitting node and a receiving node. Many customer applications require a robust solution such as AEQ since the end users may require the ability to change cable length, temperature, data rates or other channel characteristics during communication events. Historically, the retimer devices implement AEQ algorithm, but retimers provide a less cost-effective solution than redrivers. Redriver products such as the TDP1204 and TMDS1204 offer AEQ functionality with a better cost efficiency. The TDP1204 and TMDS1204 are both redrivers that support AEQ functionality for HDMI™ 2.1 fixed rate link mode. The rest of the document discusses how to use the AEQ functionality for the TDP1204 and the TMDS1204 through an example using the TMDS1204EVM. Lastly, a few example tests were conducted to validate the AEQ algorithm functionality.