SNLA431 January 2024 DP83TC812R-Q1 , DP83TC812S-Q1
Once link up is confirmed by reading register 0x1 = 0x0065, you can check the quality of the link by utilizing the Signal Quality Indicator (SQI) feature of the DP83TC812. Poor link quality caused by layout or cable imperfections has the potential to lead to packet errors in the bit stream or link drops.
SQI is a method of quantifying the signal quality by measuring the signal to noise ratio, specified by Open Alliance. The value can range from 0 to 7 with 7 corresponding to the best link quality. Register 0x871 bits[3:1] can be read to identify the 3 bit SQI value. Read this register and verify the value is greater than 4 to maintain excellent link quality. Values less than 4 can point to an imperfection in schematic/layout, cable, or being in a noisy environment. Please verify that your design is meeting the recommendations given in the DP83TC812 Schematic and Layout Checklist.
Additionally, verify the script given in SNLA389 has been written to the PHY. This script must be written to maintain the best signal quality.
Reg 0x871[3:1] | Open Alliance SQI Level | Link Quality |
0x0 | 0 (Worst) | Poor or No Link |
0x1 | 1 | |
0x2 | 2 | |
0x3 | 3 | |
0x4 | 4 | Good or Excellent Link |
0x5 | 5 | |
0x6 | 6 | |
0x7 | 7 (Best) |