SNLS696C April 2021 – July 2024 TSER953
The TSER953 supports voltage measurement and temperature measurement. The temperature and voltage sensors are both equipped with a 3-bit ADC. The engineer can configure these sensors to monitor a signal and raise a flag when a signal goes outside of a set limit. For example, a voltage sensor can be used to monitor the 1.8V line and raise a flag if the voltage goes above 1.85V or below 1.75V. This flag can then be transferred to the deserializer and set an interrupt at the deserializer end of the link. In a similar manner, the temperature sensor will trigger an alarm bit when the internal temperature of the TSER953 is outside the range.
Both GPIO0 and GPIO1 can be configured to sense the voltage applied at their inputs. Table 6-32 through Table 6-37 cover the registers specific to this section.
For a given voltage or temperature, the measurement accuracy is ±1 LSB. This means that for a given input voltage or temperature corresponding to the nearest value in Table 6-3 and Table 6-4, the resulting ADC output code will be accurate to the nearest ±1 code.
VIN < 0.85 | 000 |
0.85 < VIN < 0.90 | 001 |
0.90 < VIN < 0.95 | 010 |
0.95 < VIN < 1.00 | 011 |
1.00 < VIN < 1.05 | 100 |
1.05 < VIN < 1.10 | 101 |
1.10 < VIN < 1.15 | 110 |
1.15 < VIN | 111 |
–20 < T < –10 | 001 |
–10 < T < 15 | 010 |
15 < T < 35 | 011 |
35 < T < 55 | 100 |
55 < T < 75 | 101 |
75 < T < 85 | 110 |