SNLU131A February   2013  – June 2024


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1 DS90UH928QEVM Introduction
    1. 1.1 DS90UH928QEVM Kit Contents
    2. 1.2 System Requirements
    3. 1.3 DS90UH928QEVM Overview
    4. 1.4 Typical Application
  4. 2Quick Start Guide
    1. 2.1 Board Setup
  5. 3Evaluation Hardware Overview
    1. 3.1  Board Overview
    2. 3.2  Power
    3. 3.3  FPD-Link Video Data Output
    4. 3.4  FPD-Link III Interface
    5. 3.5  CML Loop-thru Monitor Interface
    6. 3.6  Controller
    7. 3.7  I2C and Device Addressing
    8. 3.8  I2S and GPIO Interface
    9. 3.9  Device Address, Reset and Mode Selection Inputs
      1. 3.9.1 Output State Select (S1)
      2. 3.9.2 Mode Selection Inputs (S2)
      3. 3.9.3 I2C Address Select (IDx)
      4. 3.9.4 MODE_SEL (S5)
    10. 3.10 Indicators
    11. 3.11 Input/Output Connectors
  6. 4ALP Software
    1. 4.1 Overview
    2. 4.2 Installation
    3. 4.3 Usage
      1. 4.3.1 Information Tab
      2. 4.3.2 Pattern Generator Tab
      3. 4.3.3 Registers Tab
      4. 4.3.4 Scripting Tab
    4. 4.4 Troubleshooting
  7. 5Related Documentation
  8. 6Board Schematic
  9. 7Bill of Materials
  10. 8Board Layout and Layers
  11. 9Revision History

Input/Output Connectors

The following jumpers and connectors are provided on the board:

  • J1/J2 and J3 FPD-Link III SMA Inputs (optional) – These optional inputs can be used to evaluate the FPD-Link III serial link with different cable configurations. To use, remove J4 and populate R3 and R4 with 0Ω resistors.
  • J4 FPD-Link III HSD Automotive Input – Connect an automotive-grade STP cable with HSD connector here. Remove the connector (J4) if the SMA outputs (J1/J2) are used (see description above).
  • J520-pin FPD-Link (I) Output – Connect to LVDS data and clock here. The board does not provide the required 100Ω terminations as these are normally located closer to, or integrated into, the sink device (display). If desired, then termination resistors can be populated at R5, R6, R7, R8, and R10. See the device data sheet for output electrical characteristics and requirements.
  • J8 4-pin I2C Input/Output – Connect SDA, SCL, VSS, and VDD33 to external I2C peripherals or controllers here. The EVM board provides the recommended 4.7kΩ pull-up resistors.
  • J17 USB Connector for USB-to-I2C Controller – Connect USB cable to host PC to use the ALP evaluation software with the EVM board.
  • J1212V External Power Input – Connect a +12V, 2.1mm barrel connector here to supply power to the board. Onboard regulators supply the devices with 3.3V VDDIO and 3.3V/1.8V VDDIO supplies.
  • JP2 I2S/GPIO Input/output Header – Connect to I2S input pins or bidirectional GPIO pins. See the device data sheet for detailed I2S and GPIO usage.
  • JP10VDDIO Select – Connect jumper to select VDDIO=VDD33 [2-3] or VDDIO=VDD18 [1-2]
    DS90UB928QEVM VDDIO Select (JP7) Jumper Settings Figure 3-2 VDDIO Select (JP7) Jumper Settings
  • JP5 PASS Monitor – Probe PASS status here.
  • JP6 LOCK Monitor – Probe LOCK status here.
  • JP9 AUX Power – Alternative power connection header. See board schematics for details.
  • JP3 INTB_INGeneral-purpose interrupt. See device data sheet for control register and usage descriptions.
  • JP9 I2C Power Enable – Place jumper (default) to provide 3.3V power to on-board I2C pull-up resistors.
  • SW1 PDB Reset – Press to set PDB LOW (device resets and all registers are cleared to default values).
  • S6 ALP Reset – Resets onboard USB-to-I2C (MSP430) hardware.