SNLU314 June   2022 OPA818


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Features
  4. 2Power Connections
  5. 3Operating Modes
    1. 3.1 Single-Supply Operation
    2. 3.2 Split-Supply Configuration
  6. 4Input and Output Configurations
  7. 5Differences Between DTK and DRG Packages
  8. 6Schematic
  9. 7Layout


  • Configurable for single or split-supply operation
  • Includes optional termination resistors on inputs and outputs for easy use with 50-Ω test equipment
  • Feedback network components for inverting and non-inverting configurations
  • Standard SMA footprints for input and output signal connections
  • High speed optimized layout to reduce parasitic effects