SNOSD45B February 2018 – October 2018 LMG1020
The VDD power terminal of the LMG1020 must by bypassed to ground immediately adjacent to the IC. Because of the fast gate drive of the IC, the placement and value of the bypass capacitor is critical. The bypass capacitor must be place on the top layer, as close as possible to the IC, and connected to both VDD and GND using large power planes. This bypass capacitor has to be at least a 0.1 µF, up to 1 µF, with temperature coefficient X7R or better. Recommended body types are Low Inductance Chip Capacitor (LICC), Inter-Digitated Capacitor (IDC), Feed-through, and LGA. Finally, an additional 1 μF capacitor (not shown in Figure 15) must be placed as close to the IC as practical.