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The LM74701-Q1 evaluation module (LM74701-Q1EVM) helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of the LM74701-Q1 ideal diode controller with integrated VDS clamp. This evaluation module demonstrates how an N-channel power MOSFET can emulate a very-low forward voltage diode with low IQ and low-leakage current flowing through the IC. In this design scheme, the LM74701-Q1 is combined with a MOSFET and used in series with a battery as a replacement for a Schottky diode and PFET, in reverse-polarity protection circuitry as shown in Figure 2-1. For more information on the LM74701-Q1 functional and electrical characteristics, see LM74701-Q1 "TVS Less" Low IQ Reverse Battery Protection Ideal Diode Controller data sheet.
This section describes the jumpers and connectors on the EVM, and how to properly connect, setup, and use the LM74701-Q1EVM. Ensure the power supply is turned off while making connections on the board.
When all connections to the LM74701-Q1EVM are verified, apply power to VIN. Figure 2-2 captures EVM board setup.
Figure 2-3 illustrates the EVM schematic.