SNVK004A November   2020  – July 2022 TPS7H4010-SEP


  1.   TPS7H4010-SEP Production Flow and Reliability Report
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Texas Instruments Enhanced Product Qualification and Reliability Report
  4. 2Space Enhanced Plastic and Known Good Die (KGD) Production Flows
    1. 2.1 Device Introduction
    2. 2.2 TPS7H4010-SEP Space Enhanced Plastic Production Flow
    3. 2.3 TPS7H4010-SEP Space Enhanced KGD Production Flow
  5. 3Device Qualification
  6. 4Outgas Test Report
  7. 5Revision History

TPS7H4010-SEP Space Enhanced KGD Production Flow

Figure 2-2 TPS7H4010-SEP Space Enhanced KGD Production Flow Chart