J1 — Connect J1:1-2 to
enable the device or J1:2-3 to disable the device. To evaluate a unique EN_UVLO, please
utilize the equations provided in the data sheet for calculating R5, then populate on the
EVM, and remove the J1 jumper.
J2— Connect J2:1-2 to put the device in Auto mode or J2:2-3 for FPWM
(fixed frequency). If synchronization to an external clock source is required, remove J2
jumper and hook-up clock to test point "SYNC."
J3 — PG is an open-drain, output
signifying VOUT regulation. Connect J3:1-2 for VCC (3V) pull-up voltage, or,
J3:2-3 for VOUT pull-up voltage. Note, the max voltage PG can sustain is 20