SNVU859 June   2024 LP5813


  1.   1
  2.   Read This First
    1.     About This Manual
    2.     Notational Conventions
    3.     Glossary
    4.     Related Documentation
    5.     Support Resources
    6.     Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction/Feature Overview
    1. 1.1 Overview
  4. 2 Register Maps
    1. 2.1  Register Map Table
    2. 2.2  Device_Enable Registers
    3. 2.3  Config Registers
    4. 2.4  Command Registers
    5. 2.5  LED_Enable Registers
    6. 2.6  Fault_Clear Registers
    7. 2.7  Reset Registers
    8. 2.8  Manual_DC Registers
    9. 2.9  Manual_PWM Registers
    10. 2.10 Autonomous_DC Registers
    11. 2.11 LED_0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    12. 2.12 LED_1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    13. 2.13 LED_2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    14. 2.14 LED_3_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    15. 2.15 LED_A0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    16. 2.16 LED_A1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    17. 2.17 LED_A2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    18. 2.18 LED_B0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    19. 2.19 LED_B1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    20. 2.20 LED_B2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    21. 2.21 LED_C0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    22. 2.22 LED_C1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    23. 2.23 LED_C2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    24. 2.24 LED_D0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    25. 2.25 LED_D1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    26. 2.26 LED_D2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    27. 2.27 Flag Registers
  5.   Revision History

Command Registers

Table 2-18 lists the memory-mapped registers for the Command registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 2-18 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 2-18 COMMAND Registers
AddressAcronymRegister NameSection
10hCMD_UpdateConfiguration update commandGo
11hCMD_StartAutonomous animation start commandGo
12hCMD_StopAutonomous animation stop commandGo
13hCMD_PauseAutonomous animation pause commandGo
14hCMD_ContinueAutonomous animation continue commandGo

2.4.1 CMD_Update Register (Address = 10h) [Reset = 00h]

CMD_Update is shown in Figure 2-15 and described in Table 2-19.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-15 CMD_Update Register
Table 2-19 CMD_Update Register Field Descriptions
7-0update_cmdW1C0h Configuration update command: registers001h to 00Bh will ONLY be effective by sending this command
Write 55h to send this command

2.4.2 CMD_Start Register (Address = 11h) [Reset = 00h]

CMD_Start is shown in Figure 2-16 and described in Table 2-20.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-16 CMD_Start Register
Table 2-20 CMD_Start Register Field Descriptions
7-0start_cmdW1C0h Send start_command to start autonomous control or restart with the latest setting
Write FFh to send this command

2.4.3 CMD_Stop Register (Address = 12h) [Reset = 00h]

CMD_Stop is shown in Figure 2-17 and described in Table 2-21.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-17 CMD_Stop Register
Table 2-21 CMD_Stop Register Field Descriptions
7-0stop_cmdW1C0h Stop LED current status immediately, and go back to INITIAL state
Write AAh to send this command

2.4.4 CMD_Pause Register (Address = 13h) [Reset = 00h]

CMD_Pause is shown in Figure 2-18 and described in Table 2-22.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-18 CMD_Pause Register
Table 2-22 CMD_Pause Register Field Descriptions
7-0pause_cmdW1C0h Pause autonomous control at the current state, keep Internal sloper register unchanged, but the scan keeps going-on using the previous calculated pwm data
Write 33h to send this command

2.4.5 CMD_Continue Register (Address = 14h) [Reset = 00h]

CMD_Continue is shown in Figure 2-19 and described in Table 2-23.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-19 CMD_Continue Register
Table 2-23 CMD_Continue Register Field Descriptions
7-0continue_cmdW1C0h Continue autonomous control
Write CCh to send this command