SNVU859 June   2024 LP5813


  1.   1
  2.   Read This First
    1.     About This Manual
    2.     Notational Conventions
    3.     Glossary
    4.     Related Documentation
    5.     Support Resources
    6.     Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction/Feature Overview
    1. 1.1 Overview
  4. 2 Register Maps
    1. 2.1  Register Map Table
    2. 2.2  Device_Enable Registers
    3. 2.3  Config Registers
    4. 2.4  Command Registers
    5. 2.5  LED_Enable Registers
    6. 2.6  Fault_Clear Registers
    7. 2.7  Reset Registers
    8. 2.8  Manual_DC Registers
    9. 2.9  Manual_PWM Registers
    10. 2.10 Autonomous_DC Registers
    11. 2.11 LED_0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    12. 2.12 LED_1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    13. 2.13 LED_2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    14. 2.14 LED_3_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    15. 2.15 LED_A0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    16. 2.16 LED_A1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    17. 2.17 LED_A2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    18. 2.18 LED_B0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    19. 2.19 LED_B1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    20. 2.20 LED_B2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    21. 2.21 LED_C0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    22. 2.22 LED_C1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    23. 2.23 LED_C2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    24. 2.24 LED_D0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    25. 2.25 LED_D1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    26. 2.26 LED_D2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    27. 2.27 Flag Registers
  5.   Revision History

LED_A2_Autonomous_Animation Registers

Table 2-244 lists the memory-mapped registers for the LED_A2_Autonomous_Animation registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 2-244 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

AddressAcronymRegister NameSection
11ChLED_A2_Auto_PauseAnimation pause time at the start and the end of LED_A2Go
11DhLED_A2_Auto_PlaybackAnimation pattern playback times of LED_A2 and active AEU number settingGo
11EhLED_A2_AEU1_PWM_1PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU1_PWM1Go
11FhLED_A2_AEU1_PWM_2PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU1_PWM2Go
120hLED_A2_AEU1_PWM_3PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU1_PWM3Go
121hLED_A2_AEU1_PWM_4PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU1_PWM4Go
122hLED_A2_AEU1_PWM_5PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU1_PWM5Go
123hLED_A2_AEU1_T12Slope time setting of LED_A2 AEU1_T1 and AEU1_T2Go
124hLED_A2_AEU1_T34Slope time setting of LED_A2 AEU1_T3 and AEU1_T4Go
125hLED_A2_AEU1_PlaybackAEU1 pattern playback times of LED_A2Go
126hLED_A2_AEU2_PWM_1PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU2_PWM1Go
127hLED_A2_AEU2_PWM_2PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU2_PWM2Go
128hLED_A2_AEU2_PWM_3PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU2_PWM3Go
129hLED_A2_AEU2_PWM_4PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU2_PWM4Go
12AhLED_A2_AEU2_PWM_5PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU2_PWM5Go
12BhLED_A2_AEU2_T12Slope time setting of LED_A2 AEU2_T1 and AEU2_T2Go
12ChLED_A2_AEU2_T34Slope time setting of LED_A2 AEU2_T3 and AEU2_T4Go
12DhLED_A2_AEU2_PlaybackAEU2 pattern playback times of LED_A2Go
12EhLED_A2_AEU3_PWM_1PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU3_PWM1Go
12FhLED_A2_AEU3_PWM_2PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU3_PWM2Go
130hLED_A2_AEU3_PWM_3PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU3_PWM3Go
131hLED_A2_AEU3_PWM_4PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU3_PWM4Go
132hLED_A2_AEU3_PWM_5PWM setting of LED_A2 AEU3_PWM5Go
133hLED_A2_AEU3_T12Slope time setting of LED_A2 AEU3_T1 and AEU3_T2Go
134hLED_A2_AEU3_T34Slope time setting of LED_A2 AEU3_T3 and AEU3_T4Go
135hLED_A2_AEU3_PlaybackAEU3 pattern playback times of LED_A2Go

2.17.1 LED_A2_Auto_Pause Register (Address = 11Ch) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_Auto_Pause is shown in Figure 2-228 and described in Table 2-245.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-228 LED_A2_Auto_Pause Register
Table 2-245 LED_A2_Auto_Pause Register Field Descriptions
7-4led_a2_tp_tsR/W0h Animation pause time at the start of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s
3-0led_a2_tp_teR/W0h Animation pause time at the end of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s

2.17.2 LED_A2_Auto_Playback Register (Address = 11Dh) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_Auto_Playback is shown in Figure 2-229 and described in Table 2-246.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-229 LED_A2_Auto_Playback Register
Table 2-246 LED_A2_Auto_Playback Register Field Descriptions
7-6RESERVEDR/W0h Reserved
5-4led_a2_aeu_numR/W0h Active AEU number of LED_A2 selection
0h = only use AEU1
1h = use AEU1 and AEU2
2h = use AEU1, AEU2 and AEU3
3h = use AEU1, AEU2 and AEU3 (the same as 2h)
3-0led_a2_ptR/W0h Animation pattern playback times of LED_A2
0h = 0 times
1h = 1 times
2h = 2 times
3h = 3 times
4h = 4 times
5h = 5 times
6h = 6 times
7h = 7 times
8h = 8 times
9h = 9 times
Ah = 10 times
Bh = 11 times
Ch = 12 times
Dh = 13 times
Eh = 14 times
Fh = infinite times

2.17.3 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_1 Register (Address = 11Eh) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_1 is shown in Figure 2-230 and described in Table 2-247.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-230 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_1 Register
Table 2-247 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_1 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu1_pwm1R/W0h AEU1_PWM1 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.4 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_2 Register (Address = 11Fh) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_2 is shown in Figure 2-231 and described in Table 2-248.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-231 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_2 Register
Table 2-248 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_2 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu1_pwm2R/W0h AEU1_PWM2 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.5 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_3 Register (Address = 120h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_3 is shown in Figure 2-232 and described in Table 2-249.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-232 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_3 Register
Table 2-249 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_3 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu1_pwm3R/W0h AEU1_PWM3 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.6 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_4 Register (Address = 121h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_4 is shown in Figure 2-233 and described in Table 2-250.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-233 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_4 Register
Table 2-250 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_4 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu1_pwm4R/W0h AEU1_PWM4 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.7 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_5 Register (Address = 122h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_5 is shown in Figure 2-234 and described in Table 2-251.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-234 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_5 Register
Table 2-251 LED_A2_AEU1_PWM_5 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu1_pwm5R/W0h AEU1_PWM5 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.8 LED_A2_AEU1_T12 Register (Address = 123h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU1_T12 is shown in Figure 2-235 and described in Table 2-252.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-235 LED_A2_AEU1_T12 Register
Table 2-252 LED_A2_AEU1_T12 Register Field Descriptions
7-4led_a2_aeu1_t2R/W0h AEU1_T2 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s
3-0led_a2_aeu1_t1R/W0h AEU1_T1 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s

2.17.9 LED_A2_AEU1_T34 Register (Address = 124h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU1_T34 is shown in Figure 2-236 and described in Table 2-253.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-236 LED_A2_AEU1_T34 Register
Table 2-253 LED_A2_AEU1_T34 Register Field Descriptions
7-4led_a2_aeu1_t4R/W0h AEU1_T4 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s
3-0led_a2_aeu1_t3R/W0h AEU1_T3 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s

2.17.10 LED_A2_AEU1_Playback Register (Address = 125h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU1_Playback is shown in Figure 2-237 and described in Table 2-254.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-237 LED_A2_AEU1_Playback Register
Table 2-254 LED_A2_AEU1_Playback Register Field Descriptions
7-2RESERVEDR/W0h Reserved
1-0led_a2_aeu1_ptR/W0h AEU1 pattern playback times of LED_A2
0h = 0 time
1h = 1 time
2h = 2 times
3h = Infinite times

2.17.11 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_1 Register (Address = 126h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_1 is shown in Figure 2-238 and described in Table 2-255.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-238 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_1 Register
Table 2-255 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_1 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu2_pwm1R/W0h AEU2_PWM1 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.12 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_2 Register (Address = 127h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_2 is shown in Figure 2-239 and described in Table 2-256.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-239 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_2 Register
Table 2-256 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_2 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu2_pwm2R/W0h AEU2_PWM2 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.13 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_3 Register (Address = 128h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_3 is shown in Figure 2-240 and described in Table 2-257.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-240 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_3 Register
Table 2-257 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_3 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu2_pwm3R/W0h AEU2_PWM3 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.14 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_4 Register (Address = 129h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_4 is shown in Figure 2-241 and described in Table 2-258.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-241 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_4 Register
Table 2-258 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_4 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu2_pwm4R/W0h AEU2_PWM4 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.15 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_5 Register (Address = 12Ah) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_5 is shown in Figure 2-242 and described in Table 2-259.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-242 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_5 Register
Table 2-259 LED_A2_AEU2_PWM_5 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu2_pwm5R/W0h AEU2_PWM5 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.16 LED_A2_AEU2_T12 Register (Address = 12Bh) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU2_T12 is shown in Figure 2-243 and described in Table 2-260.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-243 LED_A2_AEU2_T12 Register
Table 2-260 LED_A2_AEU2_T12 Register Field Descriptions
7-4led_a2_aeu2_t2R/W0h AEU2_T2 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s
3-0led_a2_aeu2_t1R/W0h AEU2_T1 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s

2.17.17 LED_A2_AEU2_T34 Register (Address = 12Ch) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU2_T34 is shown in Figure 2-244 and described in Table 2-261.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-244 LED_A2_AEU2_T34 Register
Table 2-261 LED_A2_AEU2_T34 Register Field Descriptions
7-4led_a2_aeu2_t4R/W0h AEU2_T4 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s
3-0led_a2_aeu2_t3R/W0h AEU2_T3 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s

2.17.18 LED_A2_AEU2_Playback Register (Address = 12Dh) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU2_Playback is shown in Figure 2-245 and described in Table 2-262.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-245 LED_A2_AEU2_Playback Register
Table 2-262 LED_A2_AEU2_Playback Register Field Descriptions
7-2RESERVEDR/W0h Reserved
1-0led_a2_aeu2_ptR/W0h AEU2 pattern playback times of LED_A2
0h = 0 time
1h = 1 time
2h = 2 times
3h = Infinite times

2.17.19 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_1 Register (Address = 12Eh) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_1 is shown in Figure 2-246 and described in Table 2-263.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-246 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_1 Register
Table 2-263 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_1 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu3_pwm1R/W0h AEU3_PWM1 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.20 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_2 Register (Address = 12Fh) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_2 is shown in Figure 2-247 and described in Table 2-264.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-247 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_2 Register
Table 2-264 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_2 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu3_pwm2R/W0h AEU3_PWM2 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.21 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_3 Register (Address = 130h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_3 is shown in Figure 2-248 and described in Table 2-265.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-248 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_3 Register
Table 2-265 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_3 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu3_pwm3R/W0h AEU3_PWM3 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.22 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_4 Register (Address = 131h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_4 is shown in Figure 2-249 and described in Table 2-266.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-249 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_4 Register
Table 2-266 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_4 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu3_pwm4R/W0h AEU3_PWM4 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.23 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_5 Register (Address = 132h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_5 is shown in Figure 2-250 and described in Table 2-267.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-250 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_5 Register
Table 2-267 LED_A2_AEU3_PWM_5 Register Field Descriptions
7-0led_a2_aeu3_pwm5R/W0h AEU3_PWM5 setting of LED_A2
0h = 0
1h = 0.39%
2h = 0.78%
80h = 50.2%
FDh = 99.2%
FEh = 99.6%
FFh = 100%

2.17.24 LED_A2_AEU3_T12 Register (Address = 133h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU3_T12 is shown in Figure 2-251 and described in Table 2-268.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-251 LED_A2_AEU3_T12 Register
Table 2-268 LED_A2_AEU3_T12 Register Field Descriptions
7-4led_a2_aeu3_t2R/W0h AEU3_T2 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s
3-0led_a2_aeu3_t1R/W0h AEU3_T1 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s

2.17.25 LED_A2_AEU3_T34 Register (Address = 134h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU3_T34 is shown in Figure 2-252 and described in Table 2-269.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-252 LED_A2_AEU3_T34 Register
Table 2-269 LED_A2_AEU3_T34 Register Field Descriptions
7-4led_a2_aeu3_t4R/W0h AEU3_T4 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s
3-0led_a2_aeu3_t3R/W0h AEU3_T3 slope time setting of LED_A2
0h = no pause time
1h = 0.09s
2h = 0.18s
3h = 0.36s
4h = 0.54s
5h = 0.80s
6h = 1.07s
7h = 1.52s
8h = 2.06s
9h = 2.50s
Ah = 3.04s
Bh = 4.02s
Ch = 5.01s
Dh = 5.99s
Eh = 7.06s
Fh = 8.05s

2.17.26 LED_A2_AEU3_Playback Register (Address = 135h) [Reset = 00h]

LED_A2_AEU3_Playback is shown in Figure 2-253 and described in Table 2-270.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-253 LED_A2_AEU3_Playback Register
Table 2-270 LED_A2_AEU3_Playback Register Field Descriptions
7-2RESERVEDR/W0h Reserved
1-0led_a2_aeu3_ptR/W0h AEU3 pattern playback times of LED_A2
0h = 0 time
1h = 1 time
2h = 2 times
3h = Infinite times