SNVU859 June   2024 LP5813


  1.   1
  2.   Read This First
    1.     About This Manual
    2.     Notational Conventions
    3.     Glossary
    4.     Related Documentation
    5.     Support Resources
    6.     Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction/Feature Overview
    1. 1.1 Overview
  4. 2 Register Maps
    1. 2.1  Register Map Table
    2. 2.2  Device_Enable Registers
    3. 2.3  Config Registers
    4. 2.4  Command Registers
    5. 2.5  LED_Enable Registers
    6. 2.6  Fault_Clear Registers
    7. 2.7  Reset Registers
    8. 2.8  Manual_DC Registers
    9. 2.9  Manual_PWM Registers
    10. 2.10 Autonomous_DC Registers
    11. 2.11 LED_0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    12. 2.12 LED_1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    13. 2.13 LED_2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    14. 2.14 LED_3_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    15. 2.15 LED_A0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    16. 2.16 LED_A1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    17. 2.17 LED_A2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    18. 2.18 LED_B0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    19. 2.19 LED_B1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    20. 2.20 LED_B2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    21. 2.21 LED_C0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    22. 2.22 LED_C1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    23. 2.23 LED_C2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    24. 2.24 LED_D0_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    25. 2.25 LED_D1_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    26. 2.26 LED_D2_Autonomous_Animation Registers
    27. 2.27 Flag Registers
  5.   Revision History

Config Registers

Table 2-4 lists the memory-mapped registers for the Config registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 2-4 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.

Table 2-4 CONFIG Registers
AddressAcronymRegister NameSection
1hDev_Config_0Device configuration register 0, including max current sinks current and boost output voltage settingsGo
2hDev_Config_1Device configuration register 1, including LED configuration and PWM frequency settingsGo
3hDev_Config_2Device configuration register 2, including scan order settingsGo
4hDev_Config_3Device configuration register 3, including autonomous enable settings for LED_0 to LED_3, LED_A0 to LEDA2 and LED_B0Go
5hDev_Config_4Device configuration register 4, including autonomous enable settings for LED_B1 to LED_B2, LED_C0 to LEDC2 and LED_D0 to LED_D2Go
6hDev_Config_5Device configuration register 5, including exponential curve enable settings for LED_0 to LED_3, LED_A0 to LEDA2 and LED_B0Go
7hDev_Config_6Device configuration register 6, including exponential curve enable settings for LED_B1 to LED_B2, LED_C0 to LEDC2 and LED_D0 to LED_D2Go
8hDev_Config_7Device configuration register 7, including phase shiftt settings for LED_0 to LED_3Go
9hDev_Config_8Device configuration register 8, including phase shiftt settings for LED_A0 to LED_A2 and LED_B0Go
AhDev_Config_9Device configuration register 9, including phase shiftt settings for LED_B1 to LED_B2 and LED_C0 to LED_C1Go
BhDev_Config_10Device configuration register 10, including phase shiftt settings for LED_C2 and LED_D0 to LED_D2Go
ChDev_Config_11Device configuration register 11, including line change time and VSYNC settingsGo
DhDev_Config_12Device configuration register 12, including threshold and action settings for LOD, LSD and clampGo

2.3.1 Dev_Config_0 Register (Address = 1h) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_0 is shown in Figure 2-2 and described in Table 2-5.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-2 Dev_Config_0 Register
Table 2-5 Dev_Config_0 Register Field Descriptions
7-6RESERVEDR/W0h Reserved
5-1boost_voutR/W0h Boost output voltage with 0.1 V step from 3 V to 5.5 V
0h = 3 V
1h = 3.1 V
2h = 3.2 V
3h = 3.3 V
4h = 3.4 V
18h = 5.4 V
19h = 5.5 V
2Ah = 5.5 V (max VOUT, values above 2Ah have the same effect)
1Fh = 5.5V
0max_currentR/W0h Max output current setting
0h = 25.5mA
1h = 51mA

2.3.2 Dev_Config_1 Register (Address = 2h) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_1 is shown in Figure 2-3 and described in Table 2-6.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-3 Dev_Config_1 Register
Table 2-6 Dev_Config_1 Register Field Descriptions
7pwm_freR/W0h PWM dimming frequency setting
0h = 24kHz
1h = 12kHz
6-4led_modeR/W0h LED mode configuration
0h = Direct drive mode
1h = Scan drive mode with 1 scan
2h = Scan drive mode with 2 scans
3h = Scan drive mode with 3 scans
4h = Scan drive mode with 4 scans
5h = Mix drive mode with 1 scan
6h = Mix drive mode with 2 scans
7h = Mix drive mode with 3 scans
3-0mix_sel_ledR/W0h Outputs in direct drive mode (Only effective when configured to mix drive mode)
mix_sel_led[0] = 1h, OUT0 is selected as direct drive output
mix_sel_led[1] = 1h, OUT1 is selected as direct drive output
mix_sel_led[2] = 1h, OUT2 is selected as direct drive output
mix_sel_led[3] = 1h, OUT3 is selected as direct drive output

2.3.3 Dev_Config_2 Register (Address = 3h) [Reset = E4h]

Dev_Config_2 is shown in Figure 2-4 and described in Table 2-7.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-4 Dev_Config_2 Register
Table 2-7 Dev_Config_2 Register Field Descriptions
7-6scan_order_3R/W3h The 4th scan line FET number in matrix mode when total scan line number is greater than 3 lines
0h = OUT0
1h = OUT1
2h = OUT2
3h = OUT3
5-4scan_order_2R/W2h The 3rd scan line FET number in matrix mode when total scan line number is greater than 2 lines
0h = OUT0
1h = OUT1
2h = OUT2
3h = OUT3
3-2scan_order_1R/W1h The 2nd scan line FET number in matrix mode when total scan line number is greater than 1 line
0h = OUT0
1h = OUT1
2h = OUT2
3h = OUT3
1-0scan_order_0R/W0h The 1st scan line FET number in matrix mode
0h = OUT0
1h = OUT1
2h = OUT2
3h = OUT3

2.3.4 Dev_Config_3 Register (Address = 4h) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_3 is shown in Figure 2-5 and described in Table 2-8.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-5 Dev_Config_3 Register
Table 2-8 Dev_Config_3 Register Field Descriptions
7auto_en_b0R/W0h LED_B0 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
6auto_en_a2R/W0h LED_A2 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
5auto_en_a1R/W0h LED_A1 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
4auto_en_a0R/W0h LED_A0 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
3auto_en_3R/W0h LED_3 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
2auto_en_2R/W0h LED_2 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
1auto_en_1R/W0h LED_1 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
0auto_en_0R/W0h LED_0 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode

2.3.5 Dev_Config_4 Register (Address = 5h) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_4 is shown in Figure 2-6 and described in Table 2-9.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-6 Dev_Config_4 Register
Table 2-9 Dev_Config_4 Register Field Descriptions
7auto_en_d2R/W0h LED_D2 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
6auto_en_d1R/W0h LED_D1 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
5auto_en_d0R/W0h LED_D0 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
4auto_en_c2R/W0h LED_C2 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
3auto_en_c1R/W0h LED_C1 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
2auto_en_c0R/W0h LED_C0 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
1auto_en_b2R/W0h LED_B2 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode
0auto_en_b1R/W0h LED_B1 autonomous control enable
0h = Disabled, LED in manual mode
1h = Enabled, LED in autonomous mode

2.3.6 Dev_Config_5 Register (Address = 6h) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_5 is shown in Figure 2-7 and described in Table 2-10.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-7 Dev_Config_5 Register
Table 2-10 Dev_Config_5 Register Field Descriptions
7exp_en_b0R/W0h LED_B0 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
6exp_en_a2R/W0h LED_A2 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
5exp_en_a1R/W0h LED_A1 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
4exp_en_a0R/W0h LED_A0 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
3exp_en_3R/W0h LED_3 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
2exp_en_2R/W0h LED_2 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
1exp_en_1R/W0h LED_1 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
0exp_en_0R/W0h LED_0 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve

2.3.7 Dev_Config_6 Register (Address = 7h) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_6 is shown in Figure 2-8 and described in Table 2-11.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-8 Dev_Config_6 Register
Table 2-11 Dev_Config_6 Register Field Descriptions
7exp_en_d2R/W0h LED_D2 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
6exp_en_d1R/W0h LED_D1 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
5exp_en_d0R/W0h LED_D0 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
4exp_en_c2R/W0h LED_C2 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
3exp_en_c1R/W0h LED_C1 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
2exp_en_c0R/W0h LED_C0 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
1exp_en_b2R/W0h LED_B2 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve
0exp_en_b1R/W0h LED_B1 exponential dimming enable
0h = Disabled, LED PWM dimming with linear curve
1h = Enabled, LED PWM dimming with exponential curve

2.3.8 Dev_Config_7 Register (Address = 8h) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_7 is shown in Figure 2-9 and described in Table 2-12.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-9 Dev_Config_7 Register
Table 2-12 Dev_Config_7 Register Field Descriptions
7-6phase_align_3R/W0h LED_3 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
5-4phase_align_2R/W0h LED_2 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
3-2phase_align_1R/W0h LED_1 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
1-0phase_align_0R/W0h LED_0 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align

2.3.9 Dev_Config_8 Register (Address = 9h) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_8 is shown in Figure 2-10 and described in Table 2-13.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-10 Dev_Config_8 Register
Table 2-13 Dev_Config_8 Register Field Descriptions
7-6phase_align_b0R/W0h LED_B0 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
5-4phase_align_a2R/W0h LED_A2 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
3-2phase_align_a1R/W0h LED_A1 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
1-0phase_align_a0R/W0h LED_A0 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align

2.3.10 Dev_Config_9 Register (Address = Ah) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_9 is shown in Figure 2-11 and described in Table 2-14.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-11 Dev_Config_9 Register
Table 2-14 Dev_Config_9 Register Field Descriptions
7-6phase_align_c1R/W0h LED_C1 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
5-4phase_align_c0R/W0h LED_C0 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
3-2phase_align_b2R/W0h LED_B2 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
1-0phase_align_b1R/W0h LED_B1 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align

2.3.11 Dev_Config_10 Register (Address = Bh) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_10 is shown in Figure 2-12 and described in Table 2-15.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-12 Dev_Config_10 Register
Table 2-15 Dev_Config_10 Register Field Descriptions
7-6phase_align_d2R/W0h LED_D2 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
5-4phase_align_d1R/W0h LED_D1 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
3-2phase_align_d0R/W0h LED_D0 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align
1-0phase_align_c2R/W0h LED_C2 PWM phase align method
0h = Forward align
1h = Forward align
2h = Middle align
3h = Backward align

2.3.12 Dev_Config_11 Register (Address = Ch) [Reset = 00h]

Dev_Config_11 is shown in Figure 2-13 and described in Table 2-16.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-13 Dev_Config_11 Register
Table 2-16 Dev_Config_11 Register Field Descriptions
7-3RESERVEDR/W0h Reserved
2vsync_out_enR/W0h Vsync used as output to export internal oscilator clock
0h = Vsync is input
1h = Vsync is output
1-0blank_timeR/W0h Line change time
0h = 1us
1h = 1.3us
2h = 1.7us
3h = 2us

2.3.13 Dev_Config_12 Register (Address = Dh) [Reset = 08h]

Dev_Config_12 is shown in Figure 2-14 and described in Table 2-17.

Return to the Summary Table.

Figure 2-14 Dev_Config_12 Register
Table 2-17 Dev_Config_12 Register Field Descriptions
7-6vmid_selR/W0h Clamp voltage selection
0h = VOUT-1.1V
1h = VOUT-1.3V
2h = VOUT-1.5V
3h = VOUT-1.7V
5clamp_selR/W0h Clamp behavior selection
0h = Clamp the OUTs only during line change time
1h = Clamp the OUTs once current sink turns off
4clamp_disR/W0h Clamp behavior disable
0h = Enale clamp
1h = Disable clamp
3lod_actionR/W1h Action when LED open fault happens
0h = No action
1h = Shutdown current sink
2lsd_actionR/W0h Action when LED short fault happens
0h = No action
1h = All OUTs shut down
1-0lsd_thresholdR/W0h LSD threshold
0h = 0.35 * VCC
1h = 0.45 * VCC
2h = 0.55 * VCC
3h = 0.65 * VCC