Connect the respective VDDA1P8V_USB terminal to any 1.8-V power supply and the respective VDDA3P3V_USB terminal to any 3.3-V power supply. If the system does not have a 3.3-V power supply, the VDDA3P3V_USB terminal may be connected to ground.
The OTG_PWRDN and CM_PWRDN bits in the respective USB_CTRL register can be used to power down the unused USB PHY to minimize power supply leakage current. These bits default to the powered-up state after the AM335x device has been reset. The USB PHY can be powered down by setting both of these bits to "1".
The respective VBUS, ID, DP, and DM terminals may be connected to ground or left floating.
The respective CE terminal should be left floating.