The AM435x device has a Cortex-A9 running at 500 Hz, uses a 16-bit DDR2, a different architecture with the same MMU and cache settings as in the TDA2xx and TDA2ex Cortex-A15.
Cortex-A15 LMbench bandwidth micro benchmark Stride 1 read/write/copy bandwidth numbers are similar to what is obtained using the C-functions from the system performance test cases.
A 16-bit DDR2 versus a 32-bit DDR2 difference is clearly seen with respect to Stride 1 and Stride 4 writes. The read traffic profile of the Cortex-A9 seems to not really take advantage of the DDR bus width; while in the case of the Cortex-A15, the difference between Stride 1 and Stride 4 performance is clearly seen.
Cortex-M4 LMbench bandwidth micro benchmark Stride 1 read/write/copy performance numbers are matching with performance numbers obtained using the C-functions from the system performance test cases.