The mmWave devices in the mmWave Radar portolios are capable of transmitting and receiving FMCW signals in either the 60-GHz to 64-GHz band or the 76GHz to 81GHz frequency band. Based on the device operation the devices are considered intentional radiators. Operation within the band 57-71 GHz is covered under FCC 15.255 for most industrial use cases. 76GHz to 81GHz is for automotive use cases covered under FCC part 95, as stated in FCC 95.3331 permissible uses cases under this band includes vehicular radars, fixed or mobile radars in airport air operations areas but does not inculude aircraft mouted radars or FOD dectection radars.
Level sensing customers need to also use the 76GHz to 81GHz frequency band devices, however for level sensing the applicable FCC standard can be found in FCC 15.256.
The summary of the standards applicable to the fixed field disturbance sensor or short range interactive motion sensing use cases are discussed in following sections.