SPRACP7 October 2019 AM6526 , AM6528 , AM6546 , AM6548
The PCIe controllers are shown in Figure 5 support Precision Time Measurement (PTM) protocol. Figure 3 shows how the PTM module is integrated with the embedded CPTS in the PCIe controller.
In RC mode, the PTM source its master time-base from the 250 MHz pcie_txi clock, which is the pipe clock of the PCIe PHY. In EP mode, a reference clock (pcie_ptmrclk) can be selected from a set of mux input, and the reference clock is used to drive a counter in the PTM core, which subsequently drive out an adjusted output timestamps, based on PTM protocol. To directly use the timestamps as sync events for other subsystems, a selected bit of the 64-bit timestamp bus if output to the TSR. The same event is also sent to the local CPTS as a HWPUSH event so the PCIe-CPTS can directly drive sync events with additional adjustments.